“Evolutionists, if your theory is true, then why haven't bugs evolved the ability to avoid bug zappers?”
Because IF THE THEORY IS TRUE, then they haven’t been in use for long enough to affect the gene pools of the various species subject to being zapped.
“If everything evolves and gets bigger, stronger, smarter, and better like you say it does,
But we don’t say that it does.
Species isolated to an island get smaller.
We pat ourselves on the back for being tool users, but there’s really no evidence that intelligence is a survival strategy that’s better than pumping out more kids.
“I would think that by now the bugs would have evolved.”
They have. But what would that look like?
Say that one species does evolve away from attraction to bug zappers. Say, house flies. No other bugs would benefit from that trait. Just house flies. So you’d still be seeing other flies, beetles, moths, gamma-radiated lightning bugs going zap all the time. Would you even notice the lack of house flies?
“Also, why don't germs evolve?”
They do.
“According to your theory, they should be evolving to resist the drugs me make.”
They do. That’s why you need the year’s flu shot every year.
SPeaking of bug zappers: When I was stationed at the SWF, one guy on my shift bought an outdoor bug zapper. Read the instructions. I always encourage reading the instructions.
Most people get a bug zapper, they put it where they get bothered by bugs, so it’s right by the porch. Thing is, it works by attracting bugs. So you’re still bothered by the bugs, but you get a certain amount of schadenfreude hearing them get toasted in the crisper.
The manual, though, suggests mounting the bug zapper 70 feet away from where you want to enjoy bug-free outdoorsyness.
S didn’t have a 70 foot lawn. So, for Christmas, he gifted each of his neighbors with a bug zapper. They were thrilled and mounted the things immediately. On their back porches. About 65-70 feet away from S’s back porch.
So he’s enjoying a summer that was significantly less buggy than normal for Southern Georgia, and when his neighbors asked, ‘Why don’t you have one?’ he said his wife didn’t like the smell. I have no idea if there is a smell associated with bugs being vaporized, or if it’s the power of suggestion, but both families assured him the smell was not that bad.