MinnesotaViking1 #conspiracy #racist blackpill.club

Not really. Most whites with 'power' are really just tools for Jewry. Can any white man in the west say anything remotely anti-Jewish without having his career and possibly life destroyed? Even the likes of Trump, a billionaire and former president, had to kiss the wailing wall and fervently deny any allegations of anti-semitism. I am not saying that all of the elites are Jewish but there definitely is a hierarchy among them and Jews are on top.
I can confirm that USA is totally under the domination of Jewish elites.

There are non-Jews who are in the ruling class, but but they're just pawns. They're kept in line through bribery, sexual blackmail, or threats. Guys like Jeffrey Epstein (agents of the Israeli govt) control our leaders (Clintons, Trump, Prince Andrew, Bill Gates, etc).

From my experience, there are only 2 major groups of people who are truly independent of Jews.

1. SOME of the Muslim countries. Like Iran, Syria, and Afghanistan. Almost all Muslims are inherently anti-semitic and hostile to Jews, but some Muslim govts are "allies" of the USA and pawns for Jews.
2. China

Every other major country is under some degree of Jewish influence, either directly (like the USA) or indirectly (like Saudi Arabia). Even in Russia, Putin is condemning "Nazis" in Ukraine. Some countries know it, some do not.

In a place like Canada or UK, plenty of Jews are in the ruling class and push their agenda. In a place like Japan, they're not apart of the govt. However, many of the politicians are pawns of the USA, which is a Jewish vassal state.

Jewish power is immense.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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