Anturio/Dr. Dan Burisch #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy

In “Alice in Wonderland” the White Rabbit is introduced as always running late. He carries a watch that is running backwards but when viewed Through the Looking Glass, it shows time correctly.
Conspiracy Theorists often use the phrase “Going down a deep rabbit hole” when dealing with government and military cover ups and the black ops world. Well there is a reason for this… the Government uses the ALICE CODE

“Above the door frame leading into the lab that contains the Looking Glass project at facility S4 at Area 51 there is a stuffed White Rabbit holding a backward watch mounted permanently to the frame.”

“Per Dan’s comments, permanently wired above the entrance to the Project Looking Glass laboratory, there was a large three foot tall statue of a rabbit (symbolic of Alice in Wonderland).
The Project Looking Glass device was used to predict the potential probability of future events.
Once the device is tuned properly, images of probable future events are projected in open space within the fields, similar to a hologram. The data output of the device (images and in some cases sounds) were then captured via high resolution audio-video capture devices.
If multiple probabilities of the same event were displayed, they could be de-interlaced by use of specific software platforms.
According to Dan, it was soon determined what events would be causation events for the ultimate splitting of humanity into what could become the J-Rod’s and the Orion beings. That information from the Looking Glass was supported by the direct testimony of both the J-Rods and Orion beings, according to their written and oral histories.
It was further supported by observation of data from the quantum cube gift (Orion Cube) given to President Eisenhower in 1954.
According to Dan, the Looking Glass devices and Stargates were dismantled in an effort to protect humanity, based upon the totality of information collected.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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