Various TERFs #transphobia

This movement is strangely oversexed and anti-sex. It is anti-human sexuality: saying gays & lesbians have "genital fetishes"; claiming people are not sexually attracted to any particular type of sexed body; loads and loads of teenagers who make identity decisions (and will fight you to the death about them) without having even kissed another human; an obsession with asexuals and non-binaries (people who claim not to be sexed?). It's like...they are obsessed with sex but hate human sexual reality at the same time. It's bizarre.


They're against people having sex with not-them. Ever noticed how every anti-sex dude is someone nobody wants to fuck?

Incel to transcel, less a pipeline than a half-millimetre shuffle.

I wish all the “trans” would fuck off and fuck or not fuck each other.

They talk about sex, but they never have it. Nobody wants to have sex with them, and they don't enjoy the sex they have with each other.

Literally no-one with eyes and self-respect go near these people. Pretty much every survey/study on dating shows transwomen are excluded from their dating pool. They won’t even fuck each other. Hence the constant posts about ‘discrimination’.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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