Joseph Jordan #racist #conspiracy

[From "The US Government Is Responsible For France’s Anti-White Race Riots"]

Banlieues surrounding France’s major cities have erupted in flames and anarchy[…]Vicious street battles continue to rage on across the country, pitting immigrant descendants of blacks and Algerians against police and native Gallo-Romans[…]
The claimed catalyst for this European episode of American style anti-white racial chaos was the death of a 17-year-old Maghrebi criminal named Nahel Merzouk[…]French police are instructed to shoot reckless drivers that seek to escape arrest, but the white police officer in question, Floriant M., is nevertheless facing manslaughter charges in order to placate the mob[…]
If the situation is reminiscent of the 2020 race riots that gripped the United States following the death of George Floyd, that is not a coincidence

French media initially sided with the police in this story. Their tune changed after a short out of context clip of the incident was pounced upon by local agents of Washington, US State Department trained Rokhaya Diallo[…]
These riots are a product of deliberate malice brought to fruition by more than a decade of covert and overt influence operations seeking to transform France’s black and brown criminal population into a permanent Jewish-American imperial foothold[…]
Figures such as the aforementioned Diallo[…]and the Jew Tara Dickman of the “Collective Against Racial Profiling”[…]were brought to America by the US embassy and affiliated Atlanticist NGOs to be trained in Bolshevistic agitation techniques in cities such as Chicago[…]
Dickman noted that she applied American strategies back in France to lead an avalanche of “racial profiling” lawsuits against police in hopes of hamstringing their ability to enforce the law against African and Algerian criminals[…]Cops in France have been neutered in respects to non-white crime[…]
The neverending nightmare the Jewish rulers of America subject us to at home is for export



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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