Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia henrymakow.com

The "ugly secret" of WW2 was that FDR, Churchill, Hitler and Stalin
were all Freemasons (Satanists) who plotted war to destroy and demoralize humanity, part of a Master Plan to establish Satan as Lord of the world. An insider, Josslyn Hay, a senior British colonial official in Kenya knew. This is why the British secret service launched "Operation Highland Clearance" in 1941 to murder him.
Essentially, Hitler was not interested in a world war. He wanted to conquer the USSR in a "Nordic" alliance with England. Erroll belonged to the "Cliveden Set" a powerful section of the British elite that supported this alliance.

Churchill's backers, the Masonic Jewish Bank of England used Hitler to control Stalin, have a world war and destroy Germany once and for all. War enables them to concentrate power and wealth in their own hands and slaughter natural patriot elites who interfere with world government.

The bankers used the Cliveden types to fool Hitler into thinking England approved of his plans. Like proud proteges, the Nazis entertained the English and gave them information on their military build-up. Hitler probably saw himself as a British ally or even an agent. The Nazis were set up. This is the real meaning of the "Policy of Appeasement."

Errol was aware of how Hitler, Stalin, FDR and Churchill belonged to the same homosexual occult Masonic secret society. He may have said this within the hearing of MI-5 assets. Stalin was a member of the same Illuminati and helped fund Hitler's rise. They colluded in Barbarosa. Like WW1 nd 3, WW2 was a ruse designed to kill goyim.
Hitler was created by a homosexual occult secret society spanning both British and Nazi elites. This was called the Thule Society in Germany and the Order of the Golden Dawn in England.
Winston Churchill, a Druid, was part of this occult scene. Erroll was silenced because he knew Hitler was a Judas goat empowered to lead Germany to destruction. He could give away the hidden agenda.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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