Pat Robertson Wonders If Viewer's Atheist Coworker Was Raped, Demon-Possessed
When a 700 Club viewer asked host Pat Robertson today if she should give up proselytizing to her atheist coworker and “let her perish,” Robertson speculated that the colleague might be possessed by demons or a survivor of rape.
“I don’t know if you’re dealing with something that is demonic or something that is deeply ingrained,” Robertson said. “It’s something beyond normal human experience, something has happened and she associates God — maybe she had an abusive father, somebody who raped her and then acted like he was preaching to her from the Bible, you just never know what is going on in somebody’s childhood.”
Robertson advised the viewer to “be understanding, be loving and don’t try to push anything on her, pray for her.”
Or maybe she's just able to think critically. Ever think of that, Pat? And if that woman tells her coworker "I know why you don't believe, it's because you were either raped or are possessed by demons" it's going to push her even farther from wanting to join your cult.
Well, as Pat Robertson goes, that's pretty reasonable. I never would have expected Pat to advise “be understanding, be loving and don’t try to push anything on her..."
Or maybe, like so many other atheists, she just realized that it's all bullshit. And yes, stop proselytizing before she takes you to HR for harassment. Of course you'd probably like that, because then you could post all over the internet about how you're "persecuted".
I never believed in the divinity of Jebus. Sure, he said some nice things like "love thy neighbor as thyself," but I never believed he was Gobs. You know what else never, ever happened to me?
I was never raped, either.
Oh my God, leave the chick alone. She doesn't want to convert to your religion, and if you keep harassing her about it, you know what? You'll have embarrassed yourself, scared your coworker, and probably tarnished the reputation of Christianity. One that's already ruined by nutjobs like Pat Robertson.
At least his advice was sound. Maybe he's gaining sense in his old age.
I agree with leaving her alone,but claiming she's a rape victim as a 'reason' for her not believing in your ridiculous deity is kinda offensive.
I personally am offended by that. No,I was not raped or injured by any male to become an atheist. I just questioned what I believed and it didn't stand up to scrutiny.That's it.
"Because everyone starts out Christian, but some deviate due to possession or rape. Here; I'll prove it! I have preconceived notions of how people should be.. Then I through out absolute bullshit. It's simple second law of thermodynamics; you wouldn't understand, possessed rape victim. And now to prove to these white-coated gentlemen that they do not have any mental health certification."
Or maybe instead of having a rapist preach to her from the Bible, it was a lying, hateful, warmongering, money-grubbing, hypocritical bigot whom she heard preaching at everyone from the Bible, and because of his type she became completely disgusted with the idea of religion.
@Mister Spak
Maybe she bought something from a thrift store, or played a video game, or listened to a Jonas Brother album.
Owls. My money is on owls.
Yep. Most definitely owls
How is that fundie? He does even ask the guy to pray for her!!! That's a little(big) irrational, but if all fundies were like that, there would be no danger coming from them.
(I know old Pat was not always that nice. Just, this time...)
Pat here is basically admitting to Christian sexual abuse using the Bible ("somebody who raped her and then acted like he was preaching to her from the Bible") as an excuse leading to a loss of faith.
Is it another case of the befuddle nut speaking without getting his shit together ordoes he actually get letters of exactly such scenarios? I'm thinking a little of both.
I'm also thinking his listeners "heard": "Ohhh, her father was an Atheist, that explains her horrible God-forsaken life"
Uh, Pat; Has it ever occurred to you that maybe she just doesn't believe, that the idea of worshiping something she can't see is utterly alien to her? Some have a spiritual mindset, some don't. You can't force it & frankly the frummer mindset is stupid to spiritual people like me. No, she's not possessed either.
@Mister Spak
...or listened to the Morse Code from florescent office lighting fixtures. *eyeroll*
I confess, it's a lot more mild than the usual silliness he spouts.
While a bizarre and somewhat offensive train of logic, it does carry to a reasonable explanation. I mean, I don't believe that those with missionary desires should be forced NOT to preach, so seeing advice to be reasonable about it is... odd to say the least. Normally it's like, impotent rage, and talk about burning atheists at the stake for not converting.
Ahh, I get it. If someone doesn't buy the same hogwash as you sell, then obviously there is something faulty with them.
Justify and demonize all you want but we're still not buying your bullshit, salesman.
@ Kuno - "Seriously? How is stating that an atheist has to be either a rape victim or possesed by a demon not fundy? "
It's irrational & stupid, of course. Though fundie is beyond stupid, in my book(and from what I've read). Fundie would be "she's been raped, therefore she deserves to burn in hell", or "she's possessed by the demon, let's rape her to take the demon off her".
In that specific paragraph, Pat Robertson tries to be as nice as he can : he encourages positive(albeit inefficient, nobody is perfect) behaviour towards the unbeliever.
Of course, in an ideal world, he would acknowledge there can be other reasons that his limited imagination allows. He's clearly narrow-minded here. But, "be understanding, be loving" is a no-fundie signal. Whatever the wicked belief. Let's focus on dangerous ones.
@Glandu (and the others who think that this quote is not so bad):
Sorry, I have to disagree. If we would focus only on the “dangerous ones”, at least half of the quotes would have to go. And threatening others with hellfire is not necessarily a requirement for being “fundie”.
What's a 'Fundie'?
I can see Pat’s quote check at least three of the points mentioned in the first paragraph. The fact that his stuff is usually even more insane does not mean that this one shouldn’t be considered fundie.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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