Blacks are actually overrepresented among homosexual transexuals and underrepresented among autogynephilic transexuals. Understanding the difference is key.
Homosexual transexuals are basically gay men who “become women to attract men.” They adopt an exaggerated form of femininity, to become “more women than the women,” one could see this as an example of the “zeal of the convert.” They are underrepresented among transexual activists, perhaps because their ultimate goal is crypsis, to be undifferentiated from actual women in order to better attract men, which open transexual activism and drawing a lot of attention to transsexuals as a group would interfere with.
Autogynephilics, in contrast, get off on the idea of themselves as women. Many maintain their attraction to women, which actual women don’t usually reciprocate. Thus they place a supreme importance on making women accept them as part of “muh sisterhood,” via PC activism and indoctrination. This leads to an inevitable conflict with certain parts of the radical feminist movement, which is currently gripped by an internal conflict, not unlike that which occurred between racial and religious antisemites in the 19th century.
Basically, the homosexual transsexual is the soldier who wants to make people think he is part of the landscape. The autogynephilic transexual is the Emporer who wants to force people to say he is wearing clothes even though everyone knows he is naked, by threatening to have them fired if they don’t toe the line.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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