Andrew Tate #racist #conspiracy

From the March 5, 2025, edition of Full Send Podcast streamed on YouTube

ANDREW TATE (INFLUENCER): We have more in common with Russia than we do with England currently. The average Russian man will understand the average American man just fine. You won't understand the average Brit who thinks it's wrong to tweet about the native people getting raped and murdered because there's unchecked migration. The average Brit will sit there and go, "That's racist" --
KYLE FORGEARD (HOST): Well, I guess you can't do too much free speech against Putin as well in Russia probably, right?
TATE: Of course you can. No, you can't.
FORGEARD: You can?
TATE: No, you can't.
FORGEARD: Can't. Yeah.
TATE: No, you can't. But this is actually interesting, so let's analyze this. Free speech. This is a interesting conversation because America believes it has free speech. It doesn't. But every single country in the world has things you cannot talk about. Every single country in the world has off topics -- off-limit topics. In Russia, it's Putin, in the Middle East, it's Islam, in Turkey, it's Erdogan. If you talk against them, you're going to get in a lot trouble. Do you know what the American one is?
FORGEARD: What, speaking out against the Dems?
TATE: Speaking out against the Jews. If you speak out —
FORGEARD: Oh, the Jews.
TATE: — against the Jews in America, you're going to get in a lot of trouble



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