“Pro-abortion Christians” need to open their Bible and see that God is unapologetically Pro-life. God makes the rules, and for good reason. Not you.
"Bible… God is unapologetically Pro-life.”
Um, really? How many Egyptians were killed in order to fluff up God’s reputation?
How many people died in the Flood? Born and pre-born?
Sodom? Gomorrah?
How many tribes were slaughtered because they were where his favorite tribe was directed to settle?
Have you actually READ the fucking Bible?
Both above comments beat me to the same questions I was about to ask. :)
I'll add: which of the gods from the Bible? Where is your evidence for their existence? What is your evidence that the Bible is the reliable and authoritative word of God? What is your explanation for the pre-Biblical deities of human traditions? Why should the government enforce religious taboos?
God is unapologetically Pro-life
Except when he’s not.
…and the ‘Pro-Life' Christains need to open that which they've never actually touched to open to Hosea 13:16 and see that their so-called ‘moral' God is Anti -Life.
A ‘God' that is obviously a hyper-sadist that loves murder he needs apologists such as the OP to justify his unjustifiable existence: even as a so-called ‘Faith'.
…or should we say… FAIL: because that's what your inferior subhuman war criminal and tyrant of a ‘God' actually is, Abbers.
On the contrary, the Bible seems to be very firmly advocate for parents to have absolute power over their children, even over their life, just as the Creator is considered to have the authority to do whatever He wants to His creations.<
@Bastethotep #135447
This is true. So many apologists say it was okay for God to slaughter person X, group Y, nation Z, because He made them and He gets to decide what happens.
So, any woman that makes a fetus has the same godlike right to kill any life they make.
What are you smoking?
Setting humanity up for failure, killing the firstborn of Egypt, destroying cities and killing thousands of people (including sacred fetuses) for the smallest of reasons doesn't sound very pro life to me.
No, he's not. According to the Bible, life begins at first breath and not a moment before then. Try reading the fucking thing some time.
And even if your make-believe daddy was pro-life - so what? We don't make the rules based off your religion.
"What's that little piece of paper in your hair, wait I'll just remove it for you... hmm why is 'emet' written on it? Hello? Hello?? Is everything allright? Why does your skin suddenly look like earthenware? Did you abuse colloidal silver? Hellooooo!!!1111"
Although golems are Talmudic and later, considering that one of the Genesis origin myths was an influence and that the topic was the beginning of the existence of beings, this funny scenario came to mind.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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