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[Discussion] What Is The End Game?

Western civilization is deteriorating. In a few generations we will reach levels of soy and degeneracy that will be unprecedented. The culture is rapidly changing, and it's showing no signs of getting better.

Girls as young as 13 are having dozens of sexual partners. A triple digit body count by the time they're 25 is considered normal. This was unthought of in the late 90s and early 2000s. Their ability to pair bond with a man is completely annihilated (just like their pussies) by the time they move out of their parent's house. Having a family and being a housemom will be "something they did in the 20th century" and is already considered "male patriarchal oppression" thanks to the cancer of feminism.

Transexuality in children is celebrated, encouraged and doctor approved. They call the hormone injections "hormone therapy." WTF is supposed to be therapeutic about stuffing a ten year old boy with estrogen? That's unquestionably child abuse.

That's a slice of today's level of degeneracy in 2020. Imagine what it will be like in 20 years. What's the end game here? We're the observers of this descent into decadence. It's like we're watching a dystopian movie play out.

What is our role in all of this? Sitting back and letting the ouroboros consume itself, though perfectly fine, seems like the beta passive move tbh ngl. I think we should all take the example of Dr. Castle and fight this war on culture and on our minds. We won't necessarily have to write a book, but we should always fight in whatever way we can, even if it's as little as speaking up in whatever situation you find yourself in, or as big as being on YouTube.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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