greenteaapplepie69 #crackpot #sexist

Having a small/balanced Lower third is CRUCIAL to being a Stacy!


You made her midface smaller too which is extremely important

yes both lower third and midface!

i think these three are dealbreakers for ascension:

long philtrum/ bad philtrum-chin ratio

long midface

long lower third

So in theory can a rhinoplasty actually make your philtrum look longer? Damn😪

If it makes your nose shorter then yeah.

But if it makes it look longer it can make the philtrum shorter.

I’ll have to see if there’s any surgeries like that

Is there anything you could even do about this though?

Yes actually-

You can get a lip lift or fillers to minimise the space. You could get your nose turned down if you have an upturned nose.

Check out r/orthotropics. Mewing has been working for me wonderfully and pulling in my jawline to make it more symmetrical and feminine.



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