The question isn't how I sleep at night. The question is how you don't choke to death, what with all the bullshit spewing from your mouth. The idea that "homophobia" (a fictitious word fabricated by liberals)...
Awww...don't like being called out on your hatred? How's about bile-spewing little jackass? comparable to ethnic discrimination is utterly comical (although not in any way that makes me laugh)...
Hmmm...a group of people being oppressed due to a facet of their personality, with no justifiable reason. Gee, where would we get the idea that they might be similar? is the idea that there's something wrong with the latter.
Discrimination is bad, period. If someone said the same about Christians, you'd be bloody well swinging from the rafters.
I have the right to take away the happiness of homosexuals, just as I have the right to take away the happiness of any pedophile or any other breed of subhuman.
Ah yes...dehumanize the enemy...makes it easier to hate them. I see a clear Godwin from here...also, pedophiles? Harm people. Homosexuals? Two consenting adults, and none of your fucking business what we do. As such, not your right to interfere with our rights (Life, liberty, Pursuit of Happiness?)
The happiness of sick freaks must never come at the expense of the basic human sense of right and wrong.
You think gay marriage is wrong? Fine. Don't get one. All blocking gay marriage is doing is showing that you can't stand the thought of us as actual human the rest of this vitriolic post proves, too.
It certainly must not come at the expense of what is best for children.
So...drifting from one foster home to another, never knowing a real family is better than having two mommies or two daddies? Get real.
Anyone who supports abortion must hang from the neck till dead (it's genuinely nothing but baby-murdering...but I guess women don't have a problem with killing millions of babies as long as women get all the rights they want and don't have to experience any physical discomfort)...
Yeah, women do it because they don't want to be put through some discomfort during childbirth. It never has anything to do with possibly giving a child a debilitating genetic disorder, thus robbing the child of a fulfilling life. It never has anything to do with being financially incapable of caring for the child, thus forcing the woman to have to choose between food or fucking SHELTER in many cases. It never has anything to do with simply not being emotionally ready to care for a child. It has nothing to do with not wanting to hurl another kid onto an already overwhelmed adoption system. Yeah, it's just women being wimps.
...but I can safely tell you that, were I not yet born, and I had sentience and the option of either being raised by homosexuals or being aborted, I would choose abortion without a second thought.
Okay, now we'll go ask the kids that are already looking for a family that if they mind going to a home if it means they have two daddies. Betcha most of them would opt for having an actual family, bucko.
If it's not wrong to discriminate against homosexuals then it can't possibly be wrong to elect the Grand Dragon of the KKK for president.
No, see...I find such a person reprehensible to govern a nation. His foreign policies would be abysmal, he would likely do everything in his power to shit all over the constitution, so as to cleanse the country of the's not discrimination, it's the fact that the number of people that would agree with his views would be minuscule, and as such, such a person wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of being elected.
How do I sleep at night? No. The question is how do YOU sleep at night?
Knowing I have basic empathy for people in this world without looking to sexuality or other ridiculous things to discredit them or dehumanize them? Pretty damn well, thanks.
And yes, I know that I supposedly supported abortion just now after saying anyone who does must die, but I already know that, so don't be a smartass. And I would be aborting myself, not anyone else.
I'd like to recommend a retroactive abortion, but at this point, all I feel for you is pity. you are a small, insecure little boy, who either likely doesn't even understands WHY he hates homosexuals so much, or is desperately trying to stay in the closet. So you rant and rave like a five year old, and project your self loathing on a group of others that enjoy a freedom you haven't the courage to allow yourself.