ScornedStoic #sexist
[SuicideFuel] In just a month and a half I will be 7 years older than the girls I actually want to date, locking me out of dating completely legally and socially
Before I start, hello IT and glad to see you made it to my completely reasonable thread, you're now welcome to begin shitting your pants and sobbing over the fact that a young man in his twenties wants to fuck sexually mature teenagers that fuck and drink-or as you put it, children playing Digimon and hopscotch. Have at 'er.
Anyway, for the non retarded, in just a short month and a half I'll be 22. And I'll thus be a whopping 7 years older than 15 year olds, 6 years older than 16 year olds, etc. My chance to experience any form of young love has now completely and irrevocably expired.
More importantly, teenage females would have been my only hope in hell at ever getting over my social deficits. I'm autistic, awkward as fuck, and haven't experienced any form of affection, dating, meaningful interaction between the sexes, etc. You know, the kind of things that are imperative developmental milestones, the things that move you on from your adolescent stage in life and allow you to progress mentally in respect to socialization.
Teenage girls, while lightyears ahead of me, are the closest thing to attainable mentally to someone like me. I'm awkward as living fuck in front of them, but a 20 y.o. foid full of years of feminism, with a jaded thousand cock stare, there's just no way. My societal mental equals are teen foids and they are now completely out of reach (as if they weren't before, but I think you know what I mean).
My humiliation has reached peak levels. 22 and no sexual touch with a girl, no handholding, not a single date, despite years and years of trying (when they were my age, IT), not a shred of interaction with the opposite sex that wasn't them trying to get away from me (before they even got the chance to get to know me, so no, it's not my personality), I truly was fenced out from the beginning because of my height, autism and face not to mention shit build.
"It never began" doesn't even almost begin to cover it for me.