Jesus channeled by Lea Chapin #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot

Jesus: Greetings, it is I, Christ. We stand with you today on the cusp of a new generation of time. The energy of the Photon Belt is shifting in your galaxy, and a major shift of transformational consciousness is now being imbued upon planet Earth. This is a wave of ascension energy that is now flooding your planet, and much that you understand in your Earthly realm, with all of the natural disasters that are occurring, and the Earth changes, will soon begin to subside.

Those who have awakened to what we call the 33.33% of energy that has affected and been imprinted within the energetic matrix of the human population will continue to transform their energies, and every soul on this planet is being affected by the energy of the Photon Belt, and is being affected by these frequencies of powerful transformation.
This is contributing to the chaos of those who are causing and affecting the world by their violent behavior. This is the increase in the active shooters in your United States of America. Those souls are being affected by these new light particles and they are not able to handle the energy that is being brought forth to them. It is creating a disturbance within their energy field, and they are not able to control their primal impulses, and are becoming erratic in their behavior.

Others who are able to hold the frequencies are transforming at a very rapid rate. Therefore, all of you are moving and shifting through the light particles rather quickly, and you are able to transform your lower dimensional frequencies into the higher light codes that are being infused, and have been infused for some time, since the energy was brought forth through the Great Pyramid of Giza in October 2018.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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