various commenters #transphobia
Younger trans people are mostly TIFs and older ones are mostly TIMs
( FutureBreedMachine )
( Jellyfishes )
For TIFs: social contagion, the horrors of female puberty and body image issues (like how eating disorders are more common in young women and girls). ETA: I'd also guess it's harder for older women to trans out since they usually have children to take care of or are too busy with their lives and careers to spend time navel-gazing.
For TIMs: fetishes and mid-life crisis. Like a person from twitter said: older men are even less attractive to women, so one of the only ways for them to be able to get close to us is by pretending to be female.
( Archie )
I think it's a natural consequence of gender ideology being massively spread to teenagers.
Gender ideology is equivalent to how conservatives told women that they should stick to gender roles. A woman is dumb, submissive, with few hobbies. If you like maths, climbing to trees or prefer legos to dolls, then you're a man. In comparison, being a man looks like much more fun.
Being a woman sucks so much in this ideology. Of course young women who believe in it will start identifying as anything else.
A few years ago they would have been called tomboys and could live their life, today they risk being pushed down a lifelong medical pipeline including a double mastectomy before their majority.
Non binary people are those who realize that they don't fit the stereotypes, but who did not reject gender ideology and try to adapt it to their personality somehow by creating additional genders (instead of recognizing that almost no one fits stereotypes and gender doesn't exist).
( MaryDyer )
It largely comes down to male sexuality.
Males transition largely due to sexuality (fetish).
Females transition largely to escape male sexuality (sexual abuse, exploitation, the male gaze at a young age, etc).
( lucky )
I completely get this. You see TIMs masquerading as women according to their idea of what a woman is. You tell young women that this is, in fact, what it means to be a woman. And to many of them the response is naturally "well, I guess I'm not a woman then."