Sidney Secular #wingnut #racist #conspiracy
Let’s look at it this way: say you are a villain of some sort, say, a terrorist or maybe just as bad – a social engineer with both credentials and typically villainous plans. These are individuals or groups who, with malicious intent, wish to destroy or degrade a country, a culture, or a civilization. Do such entities accomplish their desires with a single elaborately planned out event? Usually not, though, of course, there are exceptions with things on the scale of a 9-11 disaster now and then! These are usually designed to produce sudden changes in policies. Usually, however, you would engage in and coordinate thousands of smaller, sometimes almost “invisible” acts of sabotage that go on with little or no notice from the public until the result of such acts sufficiently degrade the social structure leaving the country completely changed, sometimes even leading to ruin.
This concept is rather common! We see it in the well-planned but usually covert instigation of civil unrest and revolutionary agitation throughout history. In the US it involves groups such as Black Lives Matter, Antifa and others of today’s far left factions who are assisted by Soros’ surrogates who invite and incite breakdowns of law and order and civil behavior. The public doesn’t realize they are under coordinated attack because the incidents involved seem unrelated and/or disassociated. Of course, America’s porous borders allow all kinds of undesirables to pore in to plan and carry out all kinds of crime while engaging in controlling behavior. These strategies are well underway in the West right now, aided and abetted by at least what Americans formerly considered “good guys” including legitimate government entities.
Reacting to or retaliating against these pressure tactics might (or can) take on a violent response, but in a war to the death with today’s Leftists and anarchists, we have to be ready to use the means at hand to save our lives, our country and even our civilization.