various commenters #wingnut #quack

( @Footdoc )
Imagine being the CDC, continuing to downplay and laugh off the data results we are currently seeing on VAERS, a system they literally created...

When reports of side effects/deaths are higher than they have ever been, and it's not even close. These people are criminals

( @crinkles )
@Footdoc I'm stunned at how stupid people are, regarding the jab. My neighbor, with 3 jabs, still gets covid and says he needs his booster. MIL has 3 jabs, still gets really sick with covid, and asks her doc when should she get 2nd booster...remarkably, he tells her she doesn't need it because she had covid. All the people who bought into this scam, continue to blindly believe. It's useless to try to even talk to them.

( @CargoShortLife )
@Footdoc VAERS is flashing the largest vaccine safety signal in its history for the COVID mRNA jabs and the CDC is basically putting electrical tape over it and hoping no one notices.

( @steelwing )
@CargoShortLife @Footdoc They want us to notice. They want to humiliate us. They knew the whole time. They have been occupying this country for a hundred years.

They want us all dead.

( @wxlsxn )
@Footdoc queue DJT claiming it greatest thing ever tho

( @JJCrosstrainers )
@Footdoc Murderers is what they are. THEY KNEW. Thus it's also premeditated.

( @Cat_Leopold )
@Footdoc Check out CDC website. They live in imaginary world with “safe and effective” vax with “rare side effects”, recommending everyone to take boosters. Now they published graphs showing cases and deaths by vaccination status. The graphs fit the main narrative. Try to figure out how they produced such graphs.

( @Twisted_Texan )
@Footdoc I didn't save the link, but I saw a story today about a researcher who believes we're still 5 monthe away from peak vax deaths.



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