shii410 #conspiracy #wingnut

Anyone else notice this 1984 tier aspect of how the media covers the Kyle Rittenhouse case

these are the first eight articles that come up when you google search "kyle rittenhouse verdict"

notice something? the names "Joseph Rosenbaum" and "Anthony Huber" are not mentioned a single time in any of these articles. they use every single alternative way of referring to them in existence. they call them "two young men", "demonstrators", "protestors", "the victims", "the people who were killed" etc, but they unanimously make sure to never actually say their names in the article

it's especially ironic because "SAY THEIR NAMES" used to be a black lives matter slogan so with all that in mind, why have these people just been memory holed? aggressively and deliberately suppressing the names of their "victims" seems like an utterly baffling decision

the reason is actually very simple. the official media narrative is "kyle rittenhouse showed up with an AR-15, killed two protestors then went home and slept", and knowing who the "protestors" were and why he shot them destroys that narrative.

joseph rosenbaum was a serial child rapist who spent most of his adult life in prison for molesting five preteen boys. he chased down rittenhouse and tried to grab the gun out of his hands and kill him. anthony huber also tried to kill rittenhouse by smashing his head in with a skateboard while he was on the ground. if you knew their names you could just search this information up on google and the media's whole narrative would fall apart instantly.

so with the flip of a switch, the order has gone from "SAY THEIR NAMES" to "make sure they don't know their names", and it has worked with mind boggling success. you are literally seeing, in real time, the people who control society rewriting history and erasing aspects of it that are inconvenient to them, and 99% of people won't even notice or think about it.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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