Various commenters #transphobia

RE: TiM objects to us being called TERFs as we're not feminists, then suggests using a misogynistic slur instead

( Medusa91 )
Can we please stop using the word transwomen?

It implies that these people are indeed women and they simply arnt. I prefer the actual more accurate term of “scrotum haver” since that’s more accurate but what are some “okay for society” alternatives?

( cousinanger )

( RawSienna )
I think the term sex offender is most accurate.

( hmimperialtortie )
I like “A man who demands we pretend he’s a woman” from this thread.

Or transvestites. Or AGPs (has the bonus of giving you the opportunity to explain just what that is.)

( bunyip )
Trans identified male is OK for society. Maybe throw a "biological" in there to soften it if you feel like being nice. If a TRA throws a tantrum, it doesn't matter.

If you think you're in a situation where you might have something to lose by offending TRAs, I do like the idea of playing along with their own rules. "Scrotum haver" is excellent. I think I prefer "penis haver" because it's more of a reminder of their maleness, their ability to commit rape or cause pregnancy.

I think TIMs would also find "penis haver" a little more uncomfortable as it reminds regular people that very few of these people actually get surgery to remove it, the penis is still here. Some people think Lia Thomas must be fully transitioned to have been allowed to compete, and "Penis-haver Lia Thomas" might enlighten a few people.



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