John C. Wright #wingnut #homophobia

I do not understand the question. A homosexual couple living chastely is not a homosexual couple, because then they are not performing homosexual acts. Homosexuals are not a race or subspecies of man. They are men who indulge in a certain vice, like alcoholics, or like men who have sex with their sisters.

An unmarried pair of unrelated roommate cannot adopt a child in any state in the union of which I am aware. Anyone can identify anyone else as having their power of attorney for health care decisions. I am not sure what financial benefits you mean: there is no point in giving the tax breaks given a married couple to a pair of unrelated roommates.

In any case, I was once firmly in the pro-gay camp, and in the pro-anything camp, provided two (or more) adults consented: they should be left alone to do their business and they would leave others alone. One of the things that drove me out of that camp was that when the Commonwealth of Massachusetts offered to institute Civil Unions, which would have all the legal benefits of marriage, the highest Court of Massachusetts told the legislature that anything less than calling the Civil Unions marriage would be illegal and unconstitutional. And the Leftwing activists back this position. I heard not a single dissenting voice from that side of the argument.

The implication was clear. The pervertarians want the perversion to be given the honors and applause the a healthy society awards to the sacrament of marriage, and the mere fact that a homosexual pair cannot, in any real sense, have sex, copulate, reproduce, form a family, form a sexual dyad, or be anything more than a kinky mockery or take-off of real marriage is brushed away by a mental act of thought-censorship worthy of Orwell.

Even to bring up the topic of the biological impossibility to homosexuals forming the heterosexual dyad needed for marriage is greeting with screams loud enough to block out any further rational thought. This boycott against Card is part of that mechanism of screaming.

The homosexuals I know personally do not give a Tinker’s Damn about marriage. Nearly everyone behind this movement is a heterosexual, usually happily married, but one who thinks it is wrong for perversion to be discriminated against. They want to encourage and applaud sexual perversion because and only because it is perverse. They think this serves justice and creates peace and wellbeing. They are not perverts themselves, but they are pervertarians.

The pervertarians do not simply want to be left alone, to live and let live. They want society to pretend that perversion is normal, even though their five senses tell them that it is not. So they must block out what their senses tell them with a legal bit of make-believe.

Anyone, like a caterer or a wedding cake decorator or a wedding photographer or a Catholic Church who does not want to play along with the mockery (and I mean that in both senses of the word) of marriage must be punished soundly, so that no one will dare bring to the awareness of the poor victims a sexual dysfunction that they are pretending something will make them happy which only leads to misery.

And so every Leftist believes, and tells each other they all believe, that there is no difference between chastity and perversion, no difference between male and female, no difference between sane sexual drive and neurotic sexual drives, no difference between health and addiction, no difference between sanity and insanity, no difference between right and wrong.

This is the core of nihilism, which is the belief that there are no ultimate truths, no objective truths. The belief is that by eliminating all differences between right and wrong, sane and insane, chaste and perverse, male and female, all conflict will cease and utopia will bloom.



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