various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
Daily reminder,
Jews don't care about the displacement and replacement of White people in White countries by third-world browns and blacks.
Not even the Conservative Jews who claim to oppose Liberalism and Cultural Marxism.
Jews don't care about White people, so White people need to stop putting their faith in Jewish figures.
( @LaBanderaNegra )
@Nature_and_Race I wonder what shapiro's reaction would be if israel was being overrun by non jews and bread out of existance ? Think he'd be leading a "crusade" to bilk $$$ out of us to "save the jewish people and the only democracy in the middle east ?
( @Toodank2bunderstood )
@Nature_and_Race Then anyone should be allowed into Israel too, right Benny???
( @DrPhate )
@Nature_and_Race Ideology and race go hand in hand. The ideology that gave highest standard of living the world has ever known came from White men. No other race could concieve it or maintain it.
( @moonsloth )
@Nature_and_Race Ben Shapiro is controlled opposition scum. Spends 3 mil a year on facebook ads and has never been banned from facebook. He knows exactly what he is doing and its no accident.
( @PatriotKitty2022 )
@Nature_and_Race he doesn't care cause HE'S a KIKE They're the one browning America. Sissy faggot