various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy

( @EndWokeness )

That’s what a huge caravan of military-age males are chanting while on their way to storming the U.S. border.

It’s not a crisis. It’s a plot.
It’s not immigration. It’s invasion.
It’s not spontaneous. It’s orchestrated.

( @therealZNO )
This was never an invasion; this was an invitation.

Democrats know they're losing their voters and had 2 options:

1. Change their agenda.
2. Bring in new constituents.

They'll never surrender their agenda, so they chose the latter.

Amnesty to 15M+ illegals will surely help.

( @RedWave_Press )
They know that they can continue to freely enter the United States under Biden. Illegal immigrants love Democrats because they allow them free access to our country, and provide them with a place to stay, along with food. Instead, we should be deporting illegal immigrants. Follow if you agree!

( @Liberacrat_ )

( @SatoriVerdure )
These are the people that will replace the productive white males they send to the WW3 meat grinder.



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