Various commenters #wingnut #racist
Nailed it.
@JaydaFransen Too funny. These "black folks" still complaining about things they aren't never ends. This is why you can't have a civilized society (with "equality") when you some who believe they are always "victims". Even the most successful, wealthy blacks still believe it (see Oprah as a good example).
@Driver @JaydaFransen I don't know that they REALLY believe it, they are just milking it for all it is worth.
@Driver @JaydaFransen White people are privileged the moment they are born as they are simply better
@JaydaFransen This guy is right. Niggers are the absolute worst.
@brextremist @JaydaFransen
I’d say they’re a close second to jews.
@brextremist @JaydaFransen Niggers and Jews should hold hands and go swimming in the deepest regions of the ocean.
@JaydaFransen that gay porn star George Floyd was worshipped for a fuckin year. and shit for brains traycoonius Martin for YEARS. the list is long. yet they follow us when we move, they hate us but cannot survive with out us. look at what they did to every major metropolitan city east of the Mississippi.
When will the black community pay reparations for all of your damage to America for the last 100 years?
@JaydaFransen they get a whole month and do nothing but bitch about slavery, like they were the only "category of humans" to ever be enslaved.
@JaydaFransen What about all of the citys, black folks burned down because of Criminal Floyd.