Sinead #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #quack

The jewish occupation governments of the West know the value of using the mental health system as a weapon against the people. During the reign of the Soviet Union mental asylums were used to destroy people who opposed Jewish communism. The Brandon Raub case shows how the Freemason patsy governments of the Jews try to intimidate White people by using bullyboy criminal tactics.

Psychiatry is a Jewish creation. It has no foundation in science whatsoever, being the most fraudulent part of the entire Jewish medical establishment.
This jewish gibberish is designed to destabilize the mind of the goy for the purpose of defeating White nations once and for all, for international jewry. These psychotropic weapons are highly dangerous in the hands of our enemies. They weaponize them, having people obey their “doctor’s orders” without consent, under the pretense of “curing” their patients of “mental disorders”. Their communist/Marxist agenda is to have all humans in the world submit to them and accept them as the most intellectual people on the planet. What easier way to control the masses than to illegitimately sneak your way into power, stealthily kill your biggest enemies in the process, slander the remaining opposition, then arrest them and drug them into obedience? The most astonishing thing is that some humans (who are of course pawns) defend them for this. Are we going to get rid of these parasites, or will we continue to let them do their demented deeds?
If we don’t do anything about this criminal conspiracy, this will be our future. This is what could happen to to all Pro-Whites who oppose their own genocide. In the Jewish Psychiatric DSM Manual racism/anti-Semitism will become a “mental illness”. Then all jewry’s political opponents will be herded into mental institutions, given their de facto death sentence, and chemically lobotomized, shutting us all up forever.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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