Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

As has been made extremely obvious, during the final conflict dramas of the planetary liberation, any steward or leader that chooses a personal value system that aligns with the philosophical principles of the Cosmic Christ’s Law of One, as well as any individual that has genuinely chosen to dedicate their lives to serve Christic ethics, is under hostile spiritual attack. As small as our community reach is with online censorship, shadow banning and without a social media presence, even still ES material is considered to be a threat to the anti-christ forces and my persona is continually being assaulted with ongoing black magic spun character defamation, and the purposeful spreading of pernicious lies and false accusations that are meticulously crafted from either the darkly ignorant or those purely evil serving their satanic masters.
As a result of the many lies and deceptions being propagated to the human race for many millennia, we have inherited incredible amounts of Shadow, Pain, Fallen Angelics on this planet, along with a false identity that uses the same Predator Mind of the Negative Alien Artificial intelligence, in order to influence us to think and believe the same anti-human belief systems of the NAA. If we use the mind they have downloaded to us, we self enforce the enslavement of our brothers and sisters on this earth.
The dark resistance and ego fear of change, stunts spiritual evolution and consciousness growth from the NAA's tyrant-controller mechanism of Mind Control. As many of us realize, there are people that do not believe in evolution or that the Soul exists. This Ascension material discusses an array of topics dedicated to biological spiritual evolution of the human species through DNA Activation and Expanding Consciousness, which will be met with great hostility from people educated to be either Darwinian evolutionists, or Jehovah-Yahweh God creationists.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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