various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @MarkCollett )
When you look at the migrant invasion of Britain you have to understand and accept the following:
There is no amount of crying or moaning that will change the minds of those who are enabling this. The politicians, the media, the courts and those who hold institutional power are not letting this happen by accident, they are not unaware of the consequences of their actions, they do not secretly agree with the people, they are not trying to act but find their 'hands are tied' - they are in fact in on this invasion, they engineered it and they support it. All of those within the establishment and the media are part of a vicious anti-white conspiracy to replace the indigenous people of these islands.

( @brextremist )
@MarkCollett A lot of people don't want to accept the cold hard fact that our own government are deliberately working to genocide White people. It's a harsh truth, but this is ultimately what it's all about.

( @OLichtsteiner )
@MarkCollett yup. It's fucked. Proper fucked!

( @funbobby51 )
@MarkCollett yup, they want to exterminate white people worldwide using all available means.

( @MCharlton )
@MarkCollett Nonwhites in government replacing indigenous Whites is an act of conquest and their White colleagues are determined to show their anti-racism, but unleashing invasive species into existing English communities is genocide and all of the perpetrators involved must be brought to justice.

( @Jackstonewall )
@MarkCollett breaks my heart to see this happening to my cousins accross the pond. Its happening here in US, and in greater numbers, but not by dirty fucking niggers. Hopefully it all collapses and then we will dominate.



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