“It's a turning point when you realize that most of your favorite, childhood music artists & actors were leftists & fags.”
If that is true and you were a serious, critically minded person, and not a bunch of right-wing, religiously indoctrinated idiots, then this probably should give you pause. Why are so many artists leftists, queer or jews? Why are your favorite bands like that? Not like you never liked them or anything.
Let me expand on that with comedians: Why is right-wing humor so utterly bad recently? Not like there isn’t stuff to make fun about with the left, but comedians who tend to a right-wing base seem to get laughs not from actual jokes but constant references to “wokeness”, “cancel culture” and imagined strawmen on the left. Their punchlines suck. Their audience laughs not because of fun but because of a hostile “he tells me that my enemies are stupid and that there is always someone who is lesser than me, especially certain minorities, and that pleases me” mentality. That’s not comedy anymore, and it certainly isn’t thoughtful observation.
I would argue that artistry struggles in the confines of authoritative mindsets. Art seeks to break out, or at least show different POVs on the world that give insight into ourselves. But that means that art that discriminates between those POVs and that only allows very specific ones to be “legit” will always stifle itself. Nazi art is boring as fuck for example. Mostly realism and propaganda material. Nothing insightful. Soviet “realism” was also extremely limited in scope. Hell, sci-fi authors had to get around the fact that the only social future that they were allowed to imagine was international, successful communism (with a Soviet bend of course). They focussed elsewhere and mostly did it, but who knows what they could have created with less stipulations?
Of course art is left-leaning because of these facts. Of course minorities who feel discriminated elsewhere tend to show up in the arts more often because of that. And of course you liked that art, while I am pretty sure that if I were to ask you for your favorite, right-wing invented art genre that wasn’t invented by someone else and later on co-opted by them, you would come up empty-handed. A critical man would come to the conclusion at least that art and right-wing/authoritative politics don’t mix well. But you are not one, and instead (as people like you will always do when faced with this fact) will instead propose that art is “degenerate” and has to be banned/destroyed. I pity your limited worldview.