@varindeus #transphobia twitter.com

The basis of the “what is a woman ” argument is the mistaken premise that a woman is an “idea” or a “feeling”. So anyone can have that feeling and thus be a woman. Nope. A woman is an adult human female, the member of the human species responsible for production of Ova.

Whether they currently produce them or not is neither here nor there. A legless horse is still a horse. Dissociating words from their meanings is a trick used to confuse and deceive, with far reaching ramifications. What is a child? A child is a young human person.

Except some will say no, it’s an identity, a feeling, an idea, a concept. A grown man can then say he identifies as a child, and he wants to play with children and have a childhood. Does that sound ludicrous? It should. But that is where this bullshit semantic game is heading.



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