itisamuh #fundie

The only reason marriage gives financial benefits is because it's working under the assumption that they're preparing to raise a family. A gay couple can't have kids, and shouldn't be allowed to adopt, so that's out. Those financial benefits are also the only reason, aside from preparing a family, to get married in the first place. So if they were doing that, that's pretty much screwing over all single people. You'd have people, who aren't gay or in a relationship at all, just friends, getting married for those legal benefits. That's not right. It's taking something that's supposed to be meaningful and abusing it for personal gain. Oh, and because homosexuality is an unnatural taboo, and taboos shouldn't be supported or encouraged legally or socially. Standards in general seem to be losing their meaning in today's society.

1) that's not the only reason, if you think it is, i'd like to see some backup. you make the claim, the burden of proof lies on you.
2) why shouldn't gays be allowed to adopt again?
3) straight people DO do that all the time, hell i knew people that would get married just so they could move off-base when they were in the military.
4) how is homosexuality unnatural again?
5) how is it a universal taboo? you're aware that taboos are a culturally distinctive thing, right? every culture has a different s

These threads always seem to get me in trouble, or at least annoyed, so this will probably be my last post. If you respond, I won't see it.

1. Don't spout off the burden of proof crap. I can turn that around and say prove that it's not the only reason. I can tell just by your lingo that you're probably an atheist.

2. They shouldn't be allowed to adopt because it's raising a kid in an improper environment by default. They'll be getting exposed to a lack of standards from the start. Sure, they may be nice people and mean well, but the child won't be receiving the full perspective. Granted, that often happens anyway, but that can't always be controlled. Adoption can be controlled, however. Since you like using scientific lingo, maybe you should check out the snowball effect. That's exactly what will happen if this kind of stuff gets encouraged and accepted more and more.

3. Yes, they do. It's unfortunate, but again, it's not always avoidable. That doesn't mean that we should promote something that's an exploitation literally every single time. Because, until you prove to me what other legitimate reasons there can be for a gay couple getting married, I'm standing by that statement.

4. Look around you. Whether you're religious or not, just look. Basically the entire world shows it. Males and females mate to continue their respective species. They pal around with their own gender, if they pal around at all, but when it comes to mating, they find the other. Sure, there are the occasional defects, but whether it's God's plan or nature's design, males and females were meant to mate. If everyone turned gay, there's the end of our species. That alone should be enough to prove it's wrong. Obviously not everyone will turn gay, but that doesn't mean it should be encouraged as okay. Sometimes standards should be upheld, even if some people don't like them. Not everything should be okay, and the line of what is and isn't shouldn't be so blurred. This has nothing to do with religion, just general principle and common sense. If people are gay regardless of it being unnatural, that's their call. People can be attracted to kids or their own siblings if they want to as well. That doesn't mean it should be supported.

5. In my society, up until this ridiculous social liberal movement, it was a taboo. It still is, in a lot of people's minds, including mine. I really don't care if other cultures agree, the one I live in is the only one that's relevant to me. Besides, as stated above, I'm basing my views off of obvious nature and common sense, not what society tells me is okay.

This is what baffles me about the liberal mentality. Not necessarily you, cause obviously I don't know you, in fact I don't even know that you're liberal, but their general attitude as a whole. They preach that nobody should be judged negatively for their beliefs, or preferences, or values, or anything else. No matter what. And on paper that's a good ideal, but then they turn around and negatively judge anyone who believes in upholding traditional standards. I'm sorry, if you're offended by my beliefs, agree to disagree I guess, but I will never change my mind on this. The fact that, if everyone was gay, the species would die out in a generation, is enough for me to decide that it's wrong. The fact that basically every species on the planet with male and female counterparts thrives on male and female mating is enough for me to decide that that's the way it's supposed to be, whether designed by nature or by God, whatever. It's got nothing to do with religion, at all. Drugs don't hurt anyone except the person using them, and that's their choice, but it's still illegal because common sense says it's wrong. Same thing here. But no, we're too worried about offending someone to have a right and wrong, beyond discouraging murder.



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