Brothers.. Think about it this way. Very few democracies can withstand Marxist subversion from within. Even the once mighty US of A is on track to becoming a Communist state in the future given their indoctrinated youth, mass open border immigration from those who will vote Far Left and also who run their media. Then you have these Globalists (who are all fundamentally Marxist) who run their banks, who do not identify racially as white and do not see themselves as American in any real fundamental way.
Now knowing that this is true, and knowing that they, once in control will strip YOU of your freedoms and that of your children’s: which would you choose: cutting out the cancer (which can be uncomfortable) or allowing it to slowly spread and hope it’ll go away? Hope your democratic institutions (the states immune systems) is healthy enough to fight it off? What if the cancer keeps growing and you can predict where it will lead to, would you then be willing to let go of democracy in order to smash communism with the iron fist that is Fascism until democracies can be restored?
I would. Remember this: the fundamental difference between communism and Fascism is that Fascism restores the rule of law, the rule of nature, the idea that the state should serve the people and not the other way around and that the nation state is sacred. It also restores property rights which is why investment flourishes. The nation state under international Globalist Marxism is something to be hated. Which would you choose??
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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