Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com
Pay special attention to those warning that “ALIENS ARE DEMONS”.
If angels are real and want to be seen, then those promoting fear of life outside of Earth are the demons.
If your God created a universe of evil except humans, you’re wrong about both God and humans.
How is it any spiritual sources interpret that ascension is for this Earth and everyone will experience it when our greatest teachers say the opposite?
Try to follow the logic of the soul trap narrative:
We’re not awake until we realize we’re prisoners, but there’s actually no escape from the prison.
Those who have imprisoned us feed on our fear, but it’s important to know we’re victims who can’t escape.
“Jesus didn’t teach ascension”
Of course he did. It’s one of his primary teachings. Jesus is as New Age as it gets. He literally promised a New Heaven and a New Earth.
“There is no way to the father but through me”
First of all, what does this have to do with being murdered for God? Nothing. So why do modern Christians disregard his teachings in favor of a pagan blood s*******e?
Jesus spoke Aramaic. No one tries to research what he really said because it reverses much of what the Church taught.
He said ABWOON (Source) not ABBA (Father). His entire message was about God being within us. There is no way to Source but to go within. His message is the only way, not worship of angry gods ordering murder and slavery (anunnaki). Not once did Jesus refer to Yahweh-Jehovah as God.
Jesus didn’t say he would return to rule this world as a king, he said he’d take us where he is. A place where “many mansions” are prepared (5D Earth).
Jesus didn’t practice blood rituals to God so he couldn’t have been a final s*******e to his own God. He didn’t claim he was going to die for our sins. In the story, he didn’t volunteer, he was betrayed.
He taught that God was within and we will do even greater miracles. Modern Christians mindlessly repeats slogans like “Jesus is King”, and are believe more in the power of demons than angels.