Pastor Greg Locke #wingnut

[in response to being permanently banned from Twitter]

…I’m the first pastor with any sort of a platform that’s been banned. So guess what? We’re fighting back right now. Within one hour of it happening, we’ve already had our wonderful lawyer for our ministry file and we have just entered into the class action lawsuit against Twitter and all of these censorship Nazis. We just entered in with Candace Owens and Donald Trump and others.

Can you believe it? They banned a pastor! They banned a pastor! With a verified public blue checkmark platform on Twitter because I’m a “danger”…
…So yeah, we’re gonna sue ‘em! We’re fighting back! We’re jumping into the lawsuit. Because this is America, ladies and gentlemen! When are you gonna wake up? When are you gonna get your head out of the sand and recognize that they’re trying to take away every right that we have?…
…It’s unbelievable what they are doing! The conservative Christian censorship is ridiculous! If you don’t think persecution is here, you are not paying attention…



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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