lighthouse , Sheva & notsofreshfeeling #transphobia

( lighthouse )
Women's studies class making me lose hope
I'm a Women's Studies major. Had a lecture yesterday about "challenging the sex binary". Most of the class was centered around intersex people (surprise surprise), and basically using their existence to prove a point. This + gender ideology, and basically all the libfem nonsense we know so well, is the essence of the class. I'm afraid to speak up in lectures, and I think I'm gonna stop attending them because there's no participation grade and I've heard everything before.

I was excited to be learning this stuff in university. Now I think I might switch majors because I just can't take it anymore.

Also, the official name of the class went from just Women's Studies to "Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies". Are those things not implied when learning about feminism? Why are people so afraid of centering women in a WOMEN'S STUDIES course? Am I being dramatic about this?

( Sheva )
Because women are being erased from the “women” part.

I went to a feminist meet up recently in the hopes I’d meet some fellow feminists and it was majority TIMs. And you know what the main topics of discussion centered around? TERFs. That’s right! Men, talking about women being pissed that men are hijacking feminism…

The only discussion about men and the patriarchy that was had that night was extremely brief and got pushed aside to talk more about how women are the problem by not accepting MEN as women.

I ended up making my excuses and leaving because FUCK THAT!

The people doing the majority of the speaking were TIMs and the actual women did nothing but clap and cheer them on.

I feel like I’m in some terrible “invasion the body snatchers” nightmare where slowly all things women are being replaced by all things men.

( notsofreshfeeling )
What is it that you want to do for a living that a Women's Studies program would be useful?

It's funny, I've sometimes fantasized about going back to college, just to take Women's Studies (or whatever they've bastardized it into), so that I could witness the peddling of gender ideology to the kiddos and offer them another perspective. Maybe even start a radical feminist club.

I'm certain there are others in that class who share your views, but who aren't speaking up.[...]



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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