"It's no wonder President Obama wants every kid to go to college," said the former Pennsylvania senator. "The indoctrination that occurs in American universities is one of the keys to the left holding and maintaining power in America. And it is indoctrination. If it was the other way around, the ACLU would be out there making sure that there wasn't one penny of government dollars going to colleges and universities, right?"
He continued: "If they taught Judeo-Christian principles in those colleges and universities, they would be stripped of every dollar. If they teach radical secular ideology, they get all the government support that they can possibly give them. Because you know 62 percent of children who enter college with a faith conviction leave without it."
Santorum went on to encourage his audience not to "give money" to colleges and universities that he said are causing harm to the country.
"I'll bet you there are people in this room who give money to colleges and universities who are undermining the very principles of our country every single day by indoctrinating kids with left-wing ideology," he said. "And you continue to give to these colleges and universities. Let me have a suggestion: Stop it."
"Because you know 62 percent of children who enter college with a faith conviction leave without it"
That is what education and learning how to think critically normally does to fairy tale beliefs, wishful thinking, and general irrationality.
Why the hell is the right so anti-intellectual today? What happened to the William F. Buckleys?
Does Santorum ever utter a true statement?
The two most shameful things to come out of Penn State are Jerry Sandusky and Rick Santorum. Neither man learned anything there...
I'll let everyone else decide which man is more repugnant as a human being.
You do know, Rick, that there are Christian universities in this country, a few of which are quite decent schools. Baylor, here in TX, comes to mind.
"colleges and universities that [...] are causing harm to the country"
Said Mr. Santorum, BA (Pennsylvania State University), MBA (University of Pittsburgh).
Santorum has his qualifications, and will no doubt not have the least hesitation in making sure his own kids get every opportunity to do likewise, but in this difficult modern jobs market it's always a good idea to thin out the competition as much as possible.
Keep 'em poor, keep 'em dumb,
And you'll always keep 'em under your thumb.
I love all the anti-intellectualism and begging the question in these statements. Is this really what America has become? If so, I want no part in it.
Also, how does Rick "Santorum" Santorum explain the continued existence of such esteemed diploma mills as Liberty U. and the Bob Jones University?
I am getting so fucking tired of anti-intellectualism.
The reason people leave their former religion in college is usually because they were presented everything as an all-or-nothing system, and once one of the alleged "requirements" for being a Christian was proved false, the whole house of cards came tumbling down. All-or-nothing Christianity is the problem, not colleges.
We ain't need none-a dat fancy shmancy edumacashun! The only book lernin' we wanna do is from da Bobble!
Seriously though, how do you expect us to compete in the global marketplace if you discourage people from going to college? I'm glad this man has no chance of getting into office otherwise America will end up as Jesustan.
In what fucking universe is higher learning coupled with primitive superstition? Look Santorum, and all your dangerous backward peers: You have churchs all over America and on the airwaves, do your own legwork.
It has NEVER been the job of universities, even those began and operated by Catholics, to teach Sunday "Judeo-Christian principles" School to adults.
America is in financial deep water, ran by corperations and wall street and all the Republicans want to do is tear down those last stumbling blocks to Theocracy.
The indoctrination that occurs in American universities...
That's funny, when I was in engineering school I studing electrical engineering, not theology or social perspectives.
Because you know 62 percent of children who enter college with a faith conviction leave without it.
Frothy, you say this as if it were a bad thing.
I'll bet you there are people in this room who give money to colleges and universities who are undermining the very principles of our country every single day by indoctrinating kids with left-wing ideology...
I'd bet dollars to donuts that Frothy Mixture donates to his alma matters. Considering he got his bachelor's degree at a state school, I'd say his taxes are still contributing.
In general, keep 'em young, dumb and full of come, eh, Frothy? The world needs ditch diggers too.
Oh...because it would be bad if that happened, right?
I can't really say, because I'd GROWN OUT OF THAT by the time I started college.
Yep, let's homeschool our kids and keep them away from colleges so they'll stay stupid & keep believing the bible!
Anyone want to bet that the frothy hypocrite ends up sending his kids to college? He already allowed his wife to have a lifesaving abortion while saying that no woman anywhere should ever have an abortion, even for medical reasons, so I see no reason for him to get rid of his hypocrisy.
Wow, Sanitarium's War on Intelligence!
Listen, I grew up in a conservative rural environment and decided to go to university a good ways away -it was the most Liberal universities in the State...and you know what? It was pretty balanced in education both left and right.
None of the professors tried to force their viewpoint; they just presented the different schools of thought on various subjects and you were taught how to analyze information, not how to think.
I remember one of my old high school drop out friends once called me lazy and insisted my college was just a bunch of liberal hippies. I told him about my English Professor who was a Drill Sgt. in Vietnam and that shut him the fuck up right damned now.
One thing I've always wondered about ideas like this: if these people think theirs is the "one true religion," then why are they so afraid of people learning to think for themselves and learn about other viewpoints? You'd think their beliefs would be able to stand up to such exposure.
Oh wait, they're all based on myths and stories. Reality's a bitch, ain't it? I got more exposure to reality in my five years of college (nine if you count going part time for a second Bachelor's while I was working full time) than in twelve years of Catholic grade school and high school. Guess which one I learned more from and enjoyed more?
Funny how the person saying this got his education at public universities. Seems to me if he were that concerned he wouldn't have gone to college himself. But no, only the rich elite deserve an education. For all Obama's got wrong, at least he's not an entitled SOB who thinks that no one else deserves the same chance he got.
Like I said in an earlier post, these anti-intellectual, anti-college proponents are the best way to absolutely destroy America. Don't go to university, don't get a degree in science, engineering, medicine, law, or programming. Let America just fall apart and loose its position as once leader of the world in science and technology. Just let all those sweet technology jobs go to China and India.
Furthermore, what does it say about the veracity of one's beliefs that you become terrified that people getting an education won't believe in them anymore?
Uh, Rick, that "indoctrination" is actually education. I can see why you may not be familiar with it, but it's a good thing, not dangerous.
Rick, much of what the ACLU does is to ensure the free speech rights of wing-nut, a**holes such as you are not compromized.
That 62% of students with religion lose religion in college shows they are learning to think critically. What a shame the other 38% didn't pick up that important skill.
That you think colleges and universities are causing harm to our country is just another red flag to warn the country of your lack of qualifications for any position higher than boot-scraper or door stop.
And to anyone contributing money to the Santorum campaign, let me give you a suggestion, STOP IT.
The indoctrination that occurs in American universities
Well, I didn't go to a big name university, but I still don't recall ever seeing Atheism 101 anywhere in the course catalog. They did, however, put a heavy emphasis on having students develop critical thinking skills like evaluating the evidence and coming to our own conclusions. In other words, thinking for ourselves instead of memorizing and parroting. Frothy needs to look up the definition of the word "indoctrination," because don't think he knows what it means.
Didn't Santorum himself graduate from Pennsylvania State University? Hypocrisy at its finest.
On the other hand, an American college education sure isn't worth much these days if the likes of Santorum is the product.
He's a dumbass, but I support this idea 100%, and you should too. After all, we're always going to need people to be maids, gardeners, cashiers, etc, and if everyone starts going to college, the salaries for these positions will be through the roof.
Support ignorance, if for no other reason than cheap unskilled labor.
Then don't send your kids to college, Frothy. We'll always need people to flip burgers. (I actually feel like a piece of shit saying that because a. i mean no offense to people who may work at fast food restaurants here and b. these kids are being indoctrinated fundie catholic, and the shitty jobs they'll get without a college degree will not be able to take care of their massive broods of children. Please send them to college, for the good of the horde of your future grandkids!)
Santorum went to college, didn't he? Business Degree, right?(not that he learned much) With a degree in business he should understand that higher educated people make better, more productive employees - gotta pay them more, though!
He also should know that if Americans keep getting dumber and dumber we soon will be a third world country! But we can write this off as "god's will"
>>Spreading Santorum
He's a dumbass, but I support this idea 100%, and you should too. After all, we're always going to need people to be maids, gardeners, cashiers, etc, and if everyone starts going to college, the salaries for these positions will be through the roof.
Support ignorance, if for no other reason than cheap unskilled labor.
You may be trolling, but Dude Not Funny.
Obama wants to make college affordable.
Santorum wants people to stay away from college.
I know who I'm voting for! :D
I'm in college right now, getting my master's in applied IT. There are Christian student organizations on campus, but I haven't encountered any "radical secular ideology" in any of my classes.
And if a college education is so EVIL, then why do all the Republican presidential candidates have one?
If your colleges indoctrinate your kids with left-wing ideology, how come you only have two right-wing parties?
The very principles of your country includes Freedom of Religion. If the universities indoctrinated the kids with Judeo-Christian values, they would not have Freedom of Religion, and the ACLU would indeed be fighting for their rights to have that Freedom.
Poor wittle scaredy Ricky, that nasty radical secular ideology of "Think for yourself, make up your own mind based on evidence." is soo frightening.
The GOP needs more mindless Christ-robots, who vote like their parents and grandparents did, and happily become cannon fodder when they grow up.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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