( sojourner_truth_ )
I've seen TRAs respond with "that's not a true trans" when presented with examples of predatory TIMs. So don't beat yourself up for confusing the "bad apple" talk for the "no true trans" fallacy- they probably became fused in your head because of the knee jerk reaction TRAs always have whenever a TIM rapes his mother, or rapes a taxi driver, or rapes a dog, or molests a little girl.
Every time like clockwork, they start saying BOTH "you still have to respect her pronouns!!!" AND "but that was no true transwoman!" Lol. Listening to these people is maddening.
( hmimperialtortie )
The irony is that the predatory men are the truest “trans” there is. The TIM rapists and paedophiles are the epitome of the breed.
( sojourner_truth_ )
Peaking comes in a series, I'm realizing. First comes the baby peak, for some people it's men shouldn't be in women's prisons or something really blaringly clear... but if you keep looking at reciepts from this gang, you will eventually peak more and more... and I think the final peak is exactly this: TIM rapists and pedos are the epitome of the breed, the truest trans there is, the final result of indulging in degeneracy for long enough.
It makes me look at other cultures that I wrote off as being so backwards because they toss all sexual degeneracy into one bucket that is off limits... and now I see that they had a damned good point. There are many roads to Rome, and there are many paths for men to turn into someone so debased they'll rape an infant or a dog. All those paths should be understood for what they are: degeneracy that undermines society.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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