various commenters #transphobia #psycho

( @AthenasWrench )
Screw this guy. BBC interviewed him on men in women’s sports. He said trans would kill themselves if they cannot bash women in sports so let them in. Imagine platforming the KKK to discuss black issues? Why would they host this utter failure of a man?

( @VF555 )
I only wish all these abusers would bite the bullet and do us all a favor! I will even help in their suicidal aspirations because these are worthless men we are all better off without!

( @JackSpangle )
I wish these perverted men would hurry up and kill themselves then. Disgusting pathetic threats. Do us normal folk a favour instead of wasting precious oxygen. Misogynist perverts and peadophiles. We don't need you. Life is too short and hard for most. Just get on with it. Cowards and bullies 😤

( @ReluctantCynic )
If that's what they want to do, fkn LET THEM. We all know it's hyperbolic bullshit so call them out & in the unlikely event that they follow through, hey ho, lesser of two evils 🤷‍♀️👍

( @piotr3 )
"Trans will kill themselves otherwise" is a standard argument for them to supposedly justify unacceptable things, like beating up women for sport, hormones and mastectomies for children etc. No, this stuff is still unacceptable. They are unlikely to kill themselves, and it is on them, not everyone else, if they do.

( @AmericanRealist )
“Trans women” would kill themselves if they can’t fight biological women? That’s the most pathetic and disgusting thing I think I’ve ever heard and anyone who supports that nonsense is as mentally unhinged as the “Trans Women” in question.



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