various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy
(Gary A. Anderson)
China just needs to wait and let their mole of a President; Joe Biden break the backs of the American taxpayer. It’s that simple and done way before in secrecy with the idea of forever keeping it unknown to the future.
(Barbara Boxer)
The US should just drop a country that will ignite a nuclear war. Taiwan is that country. What is any other rationale for this to exist. America cannot make a comeback, after nuclear war. Taiwan cannot be trusted. Taiwan has always looked out for Taiwan.
(J P)
There are four sequences that must occur to subjugate another nation: Attack, Invade, Conquer, Govern. Apply these to Russia, and you see none of those have occurred. Apply these to China and you will also see none have occurred. The China threat is manufactured by the Democrats and the media. Russia's 'threat' of over 78 years is also manufactured by the media. The true attacks on America that killed innocent civilians occurred on 9-11, then later in Orlando, and then in San Bernardino, and again in New York. Look to the facts as to who is America's enemy.
(YG Pom)
What agression? Taiwan is part of China, the only aggression in that region is caused by the US who is not even a neighboring country there