JayGoptri , AnalAndro & Ghost of Eskimo #transphobia #sexist #racist ncu.su

Judge whose not a Biologist
This proud woman of color can't even describe what a "woman" is. If the question was making her confused because of all the edgey new age commentary she's supposed to say, which is clogging her mind, she could have at least just given a few examples of the female species. Of course shes not a Biologist, so she gets a pass? And just today, all the leftist stations reporting "Science says there is no easy answer to the question"

The absolute shitty state of affairs in America.

The w*man is the cultural construct to describe the femanoid human beast, it's half human and half beast. The w*man concept is too normie so I never use it. I agree that it's just a damn costruction of a culture, so yes I think I can use the w*man concept to diagnose illness of a culture.

This womban here is a black african american nigger of color oppressed by evilwhitey. The whole concept of "african american black nigger of color oppressed by evilwhitey" is another social construct, that is valid only in white countries, exclusively in white countries. This concept is not universal, if you are white and you go visit some nignogg jungle savages, they don't see you as an "evilwhitey oppressor" because they don't even know what an university is.

(Ghost of Eskimo)
I was going to make a thread about her lenient sentencing of a man convicted for having computer child porn images. She was pretty reasonable and only gave him a few years for having thousands of images.

The Cuckservatives were raging because they would like him to tortured by a pack of soyboys for life in Gitmo. How dare she be lenient to a man who barely committed a crime.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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