_Bike_seat_sniffer #racist #wingnut reddit.com

Russia wouldn't even enter the war, they have little to gain by it, they would reinforce their positions and bide their time. And this entire discussion is pointless anyway because China would never dare to launch a nuke. A war between the US, NATO and China would be extremely short and China would crumble like their tofu buildings. It's just not going to happen.

He genuinely thinks a US invasion of China would be successful

He genuinely believes the invincible military myth

tofu buildings huh

it’d be entertaining to see China summon a full PLA just to see what sinophobes like you would say about that size of standing army

You have no idea how powerful the US military is. Without political games they could exterminate any opponent on the planet. I know it's very popular to laugh at them because of those tiktok clips and the withdrawal from Afghanistan, but they're the exact opposite of a paper tiger.

Not too dissimilar to the Germans who were shocked at the defeat of the invincible Wehrmacht

Anyone ranting and raving about how their military that failed to defeat two insurgencies thousands of miles away will successfully defeat a modern military in a nuclear-armed country with a population four times the size of America’s is fucking delusional

Political games. Fighting insurgents is a different than facing another standing army. US high command wanted a defensive war in both Vietnam and Afghanistan for political reasons. The air force wasn't allowed to bomb the north because they were concerned about killing russian advisors. They could've exterminated the entire PAVN and viet cong.

So the proof of America’s invincibility is the fact that they were so terrified about fighting a war against a technological and military equal (the USSR)

The US has to consider the consequences of their actions, but if China ever used a nuclear weapon on a NATO global partner all of that would go out the window immediately.



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