I just figured it out !!
If God wanted us to be gay, he would have only created one sex... and we would all be homosexuals.
Since God created two sexes, and since only a male and female combination and not a same sex combination creates children, then homosexuality is in fact a misfiring mentalism...
From the surface of the eyeball, an image is created in the brain via a chemical reaction, whence it is interpreted. If you have a same sex attraction, also in the mind, then that is a mental misfire.
" a misfiring mentalism".
Okay. That's a new one. However, if "God" didn't "create" anything.... that leaves us with the ucky ucky idea that some people are gay and you're just going to have to, as they say, get used to it.
DING, DING, DING, if God wanted us not to commit incest, he would have created many men and many women from different materials. And if God wanted us to be blind, he would have made us so. Your logic fails.
If an omnipotent God only wanted us to create children, he would have made all of us properly for that purpose. Did God screw up? PS, gays have children, too, although not a frequently as straight people.
I went to a Christian college, so I must have just missed this chapter in my Biological Basis of Behavior class (nearly a quarter of the class was spent on the eye, so I must have missed a lot of classes to have never heard this. Strange, I respected that professor and never skipped....interesting.)
Homosexuality seems to be evolution's natural control against overpopulation, actually.
Just like the moth flying into a candle flame and killing itself without fail (because it's evolved to use rays of light from the sun as a navigation system, and the flame of a candle basically gives information that makes the moth spiral into the flame and then die), there is often more behind what seems initially to be a 'misfire.'
this might not relate, but it's on my mind, so I will put it on your computer screen. I really love that line from Forest Gump, "If God wanted everybody to be the same, he would have made us all with braces on our legs."
Bit slow on the uptake, if you just figured it out. Usually, people explain it to you with flowers and bees, in early teenage years.
Still, I don't see where the second half, or the moral implication come from.
"If God wanted us to be gay, he would have only created one sex... and we would all be homosexuals."
Very limited thinking. Similarly, God should have only created one type on insect, one type of bird, one type of soil, one type of weather, one type of food.
I just figured it out. If God wanted us to be healthy, he would have created no viruses...and we would all be immune to disease. Since God created viruses and diseases, then God must want us all to suffer from disease. Being healthy is a sin.
Seriously, many animals partake in homosexual and bisexual activities.
And quit ragging on the hermaphrodites!
"Since God created two sexes, and since only a male and female combination and not a same sex combination creates children, then homosexuality is in fact a misfiring mentalism..."
Wait, who the hell said Gaw'd wanted everyone to reproduce? And if that's the case wouldnt the celibacy commonly practiced among Christians also not be what God wants? Fuckin numb nutz.
...okay, I guess chemistry is kind of involved, but I don't believe neurons use anything that could be normally termed a 'chemical reaction.'
Your actual argument is pretty much in line with Willy Wonka's defense of his soda engine: "If the good Lord had intended us to walk, he wouldn't have invented roller skates."
Who said he wanted everyone to be gay? He just wanted one in ten to be gay, so that we could keep overpopulation at bay and have a reserve of guardians for kids in case something happened to their parents.
Ding ding ding ding ding, the witch is dead. Oh sorry, no; BARFRIEND is still spouting nonsense.
(Or rather did, six years ago.)
BARFIEND: “From the surface of the eyeball, an image is created in the brain via a chemical reaction, whence it is interpreted. If you have a same sex attraction, also in the mind, then that is a mental misfire. The police creates a post-political culture.”
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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