littleowl12 , MatchaMeercat & Leithriel #transphobia

When you try to speak sense to the volontairement stupide!

( littleowl12 )
Tolstartheking is an all-star moron:

Have you ever read “first they came”?

I've come to hate this poem. It locks people into supporting things that they don't believe and may even harm them, and it honestly feels like a cult-coercion tactic. "Take my side or they'll come for YOU. You must obey me, because the rest of the world hates you more than I do."

Lethonal's response (I used only this part):

Believe it or not, abortion access is not the priority of every woman in the United States at the moment, some women believe being able to organize and define who/what women are in law is, because you can't write laws that protect women if a woman cannot be adequately defined in law. Conversely, laws cannot be written that harm women if women cannot be adequately defined in law either unless you do the patriarchy a solid and only attack women on the basis of their reproductive ability. Are you really going to fault feminists for playing chess on these issues when everyone else is trying to make them play checkers?

Abortion is a very big deal, but I like his analogy that we now have to play chess instead of checkers.

( MatchaMeercat )
Also there is only so long the Democrats can dangle that particular carrot without actually doing anything to enshrine reproductive rights into federal law before their “protection” rings hollow.

( Leithriel )
I don't disagree. But how can one defend women's reproductive rights without language that allows us to protect women? I get what they are saying but I agree that abortion access is a paramount issue for women.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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