
Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy ascensionglossary.com

The Mystery Schools of Pythagoras and the ancient Greeks taught that these five solids are the core patterns behind physical creation. Four of the Platonic Solids are the archetypal patterns behind the four elements in all creation, Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. The fifth pattern was considered to be Universal Substance of creation and in some Mystery Schools was considered the fifth element of Aether. The fifth solid is the dodecahedron and its usage in the material world was closely guarded as it was felt to be dangerous if it was misused. We are acutely aware the NAA and many of the Illuminati lines has misused these as forms that are the basis of reversal ten structures that have been placed on the earth as Mind Control matrices. These are called Reversal 55 Grid and appear as Dodecahedron shapes, they are a part of the reversal matrix used by Service to Self entities. Hence, in our model we came the dodecahedron as the elemental matrix substance used to form time and space. .
Through many wars and genocidal campaigns that have taken place over many lifetimes, including Alien Hybridization Breeding Programs to infect our original blood and DNA, the intruding races gradually took away more and more of our natural energy resources and blank slated our history during the end of major astrological cycles.
Major outfits of Alien Machinery or black hole technology was further installed approximately every 6,500 years (or 6,480 years) during each quarter of the 26,000-year cycle. They did this to gain control over the magnetosphere through the Manipulation of the Dodecahedron geometry which has great influence on organic magnetism, carbon matter and manifesting timelines. By gaining control over the properties of the dodecahedron and its connection to our Sun, by running and merging artificial magnetism tied to the Lunar Matrix, this combination was used as a weapon to induce surface weather catastrophes such as major global floods.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy ascensionglossary.com

During the Bifurcation phase, the Saturn construct in the 1D grid of the earth started to dismantle and a fierce attempt to control or regain the kidney life force produced by the human body in the Collective Consciousness field, has been an issue in the field over the last eighteen months specifically. The kidneys are vulnerable and they need our attention to reclaim them from the slavery overlays, and to reclaim the Prana Seeds and chi energies, to reclaim what they hold as spiritual imprints for our Blood, towards rebuilding our heart center and evolving our kidneys into their higher purpose for our ascending body.
Human kidneys have direct connection to the KA Battery Body in our etheric body, and by compromising our kidneys they get access to the KA electromagnetic battery body of the human Soul. They also harvest the planetary body equivalent, draining a massive quantum of energy from the earth.

All main internal organs are being drained from the kidney chi drain and blockage of Kundalini activation achieved from alien machinery and implantation. The kidney is the starting point of the drain that impacts the Liver, Lung, Spleen, and Heart. All Organs have a spiritual intelligence that has a higher purpose, which they have not been able to embody previously. As the Grounding Mechanism is reconfigured in the earth and the human body, these organs are starting to be reconnected into their higher purpose and function in the body during the Ascension.
Draconian groups are involved in a galactic human trafficking operation in the Solar System, which includes organ harvesting in a variety of methods that includes growing humans in labs for this purpose, and taking genetic sampling where they grow organs and glands from cloned bodies. If we have cloned bodies where our tissues have been sampled in other dimensions, this may interfere with our organs functioning well in this body. The Return to Rightful Owner command can be useful for reclaiming body parts.

Lisa Renee #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy ascensionglossary.com

In the Guardian use of the term Moloch, it is used to describe receptacles on the Astral Plane that operate as battery tanks for harvested Loosh, which is generally sexual in nature. Moloch tanks are used by the NAA forces to collect and store human sexual energy as a battery source, generally the tanks are more specialized as sourcing from the consciousness bodies of molested children, which is the real purpose that is behind the promotion of legalizing pedophilic practices. Large amounts of sexual energy is harvested from sexual ritual or Blood Sacrifice ritual killing in order to direct that collective energetic force from the victims for the purpose of widespread Satanic Ritual Abuse carried out by Black Magicians which is designed for influencing the direction of the planetary Timelines towards serving the negative Controller agenda. The process of stealing consciousness energy from many people who are unaware that they are being used in this way, is to gain control over others minds and perceptions of the outer reality and is called Sorcery or Black Magic. The Power Elite are a small group of people who conjure an assortment of Black Magic through dark rituals such as the sacrifices made to Moloch, that are used for maintaining direct contact with the NAA. Moloch is one of the most important loosh harvesting systems for the NAA because it comprises the most desired form of human based collective energy, which is sexual energy siphoned from the human's sexual organs.
Moloch is a quality of collected sexual energy that is bound to the Astral Plane via gestalts of negative spiritual attachments or demonic entities that are most commonly interspersed within the Baphomet collective consciousness field that is used to power up the Black Magic Grids. This means that on planet earth, the Black Magicians have a special planetary grid set up exclusively for their use in spreading Satanic forces through access of the Baphomet field during SRA practices.

Lisa Renee #fundie ascensionglossary.com

(This isn't a Poe, sadly!)

The Information Presented in the Ascension Glossary reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timelines and Beyond) intended as support, both energetically and educationally, for the Galactic Families of Humanity. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship through Unity consciousness as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is Earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression.

The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (DNA), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic E.T. Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.

The Law of One comprises the necessary principles of behavior, practices and belief systems that humanity is required to learn in order to achieve spiritual freedom and sovereignty, by committing to re-educate themselves to expand consciousness into higher frequency realities that allow them to progress into the future GSF Timelines, during the Ascension Cycle.

Lisa Renee #ufo #fundie #crackpot ascensionglossary.com

This 12D White Ray (a ray is a term for an energetic particle wave spectrum) is the consciousness unit and a level of our being that manifests on the 12th Dimension. It is the first dimension of individuation on which the original divine blueprint for humanity was created as a 12 DNA Strand Avatar. The Threefold Founder Flame , Prime creator merged Blue Ray (13D), Gold Ray (14D) and Violet Ray (15D). These three primal sound fields created all of our 15 Dimensional model of our Universal Time Matrix to create the Divine Monadic Blueprint for the Human Krystal Star or Christos Consciousness Being. This is also known as the Silicate Matrix, the Crystalline Body holding the codes of the Eternal Christ principle. Eternal Life Ever Flowing into the expansion of One Source. As you work with this 12D Ray you reconnect the memory of your Crystalline Body into embodiment. This becomes more powerful during Ascension cycles.
12 D Shield

This is the foundation technique suggested to use as a protective shield for your light body as well to utilize before you do any other healing, energy work or modality. The 12-D Shield is an organic part of every human beings Lightbody which can be repaired and activated when using the inner focusing 12-D Shield technique. The frequency of which activates this horizontal shield and its vertical light pillar is platinum white in its frequency spectrum color. The 12D current was returned to portions of the earth grid, therefore returned to humanity in early 2000. This is the path to GSF.

Avatar Universe
To communicate with the Avatar Christ frequency on the earth, we must build our 12D Shield and absorb the 12D Ray into our Lightbody. When we develop our Avatar embodiment the next stage is Hieros Gamos which joins the inner Christos-Sophia in sacred marriage with the Eternal God Source.

Fourth Harmonic Universe
For human beings, these consciousness bodies exist throughout the densities and are aspects of the higher self and Lightbody.These aspects are called the Stations of Identity.

In the Fourth Harmonic Universe in 10D-11D-12D exists the three layers of the Christos Avatar Matrix.
In the Fourth Harmonic Universe in 10D-11D-12D the future earth blueprint in its crystalline form in the exists the three layers of the Aramatena or Aurora Earth Matrix.

Lisa Renee #ufo #fundie #crackpot ascensionglossary.com

Moon: From the Guardian perspective our moon is an inorganic structure, and did not come from our solar system. The moon is an artificial satellite is that is locked into orbit with the earth body's magnetic core. It was brought here during the last war between the Pleadians and Reptilians. The moon is a craft stolen from war and stripped to be refitted for its current use as a Reptilian and Grey Alien base. Apparently, there are many beings living inside of it, even now. Its use was for practical reasons to be able to have a “moon base” in close proximity to monitor and adjust the magnetic fields of the planet. The Moon base has technology that keeps the magnetic spin rates that keep the connections open to the wormholes they have created. Our solar system is damaged because these entities were creating rips and holes in time as well as, wormholes.

Saturn Base Transmission to Moon
Additionally, it has been recently observed that the Solar System Stargate 7, located inside the planet Saturn was also transmitting artificial intelligence beams through the Moon that corrupted the ultra-violet wave spectrum in our planetary Magnetosphere. The impact of several technologies used from this Archon base, seem to have been recently neutralized in some of their effects. Like 7D reversal technologies that allowed for having operable Hibernation Zones, used in phantom areas as ambush pockets, to get into the earth field quickly though parallel doorways. The parallel doorways appear to lead directly into Lake Titicaca underground water base, which have been closed off and secured. Many underground bases scattered throughout the earth are in some kind of spiritual or material conflict for control and security.

Correction of this particular AI distortion appears to help people on the earth, to potentially align with higher frequencies and to have a better functioning Crown Chakra, or 7D energy center. The moon transmissions have been especially difficult on the human mental body and the ability to actually have a brain and nervous system that actually functions well. The anticipation is for an easier clearing out of Glandular System Implants, Pineal Cages and related Crucifixion Implants, that can be more easily dissolved from the lunar distortion impact as a result. For those on the ascension path, this will gradually lead to clearer thinking, higher functioning glands and the ability to build the Perceptual Bridge that accesses the functioning of the Higher Mind.[1]

Lisa Renee #ufo #fundie #magick #crackpot ascensionglossary.com

The Information Presented in the Ascension Glossary reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timelines and Beyond) intended as support, both energetically and educationally, for the Galactic Families of Humanity. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship through Unity consciousness as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is Earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (DNA), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic E.T. Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.
The Law of One comprises the necessary principles of behavior, practices and belief systems that humanity is required to learn in order to achieve spiritual freedom and sovereignty, by committing to re-educate themselves to expand consciousness into higher frequency realities that allow them to progress into the future GSF Timelines, during the Ascension Cycle.

See Guardian Mission Statement, Full Disclosure Event and Where Can I Start?

Ascension Glossary

Lisa Renee
Welcome to the Ascension Glossary. Lisa Renee is constantly expanding this glossary with new definitions.

Energetic Synthesis
This site is part of the projects at Energetic Synthesis which includes Krystal Aegis, ES Foundations and HGS Support.

Lisa Renee experienced a spontaneous Kundalini event several years ago that catalyzed a Starseed Awakening to perceive multidimensional realities and communication with the Evolutionary forces of Light. Lisa Renee has been personally contacted and then prepared, trained and downloaded by Interdimensional beings (Extra-terrestrial and Ultra-terrestrial, not from this Universe) known as the Krystal Star and Aurora Guardians. Guided by Guardians, Lisa was biologically upgraded to be downloaded to comprehend the Science of Ascension through the Law of One and its dynamics upon the layers of energy fields. This understanding of Consciousness Technologies was experienced by her own personal evolution and began her transition into an Multidimensional Guide and God-Sovereign-Free (GSF) Steward during this Planet’s Ascension Cycle. She is an Emissary for the Guardian Groups and a spokesperson for the shift of humanity to Ascension. Along with the Guardian Groups, her mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education, awareness and by discussing the impacts of the energy shifts upon the planet, human beings and human consciousness. She is an Ascension Guide, Planet Gridworker, Starseed Advocate, Humanitarian, Writer and Educator for Disclosure and World Humanism.

Lisa Renee #ufo #fundie #crackpot ascensionglossary.com


The first light manifestation of the Emerald Order are Solar Rishi Blue Ray orders of Elohim and Oraphim that direct support to the Guardian Founder Races in the lower Harmonic Universe and are supporting GSF liberation and the continued spiritual evolution of humanity towards Ascension and the Law of One. The Emerald Order Oraphim have Emerald Sun DNA which is up to 48 strands of DNA.

Additionally, there are Oraphim that carry the Double Diamond Sun Body from 24-30 strands of DNA. The Emerald Order Oraphim and the Double Diamond Oraphim are from the Christos lines that are here on the planet to direct the Universal Threefold Founder Flame frequencies to repair the architecture of the planetary grid, as well as communicate with the Aurora for the Aurora Krystal Matrix Re-Encryption of Elemental Body projects with the Master Christos Collective, a consortium of beings that are from the Seven Higher Heavens realms. These are the Ancient Master builder Races that are also called Guardian Host from which the Essenes on the earth have been generated to serve as blue flame holders.

The Oraphim are the original “Founder Guardian Races” specialized blueprint forms that were used as a prototype body for the 6D Indigo Family of consciousness that source from the Universal Melchizedek Lineages. The blueprint bodies were stepped down in frequency as the 3D consciousness human forms were not able to hold the genetic material of a full Oraphim consciousness. The Oraphim blueprint is a Lyran-Sirian shapeshifter consciousness that has the ability to biologically transmute itself in and out of a dimenionalized time matrix. It also holds all Threefold Founder Flames, are the Primal Sound Fields of the Blue Ray, Gold Ray and Magenta/Violet Ray GSF and direct the Spectrum of Frequency of all of the Founder Races of the Christos Consciousness. It is a full Rainbow Crystal Matrix Being.

The Male Oraphim form carries a stronger electrical field and specializes in electrical field transmission, while the Female Oraphim carries the magnetic field and specializes in magnetic reception. Together they have the greatest ability of any biological race to transmit and receive the Threefold Founder Flame (Founder Frequencies or GSF to structurally repair the Universal Blueprint Bodies all the way down to our density. They are the Keepers of the Universal Time Matrix, and the capacity for them to begin their creational purposes in genetic repair is now being revealed. [1]

Lisa Renee #ufo #fundie #crackpot ascensionglossary.com

Lyran Wars
The main battles in human Galactic history were fought in the constellation of Orion, and so these many wars are also referred to as the Orion Wars. However, in our Universal Time Matrix the wars started over territories in the constellation of Lyra (The Cradle of Lyra). The Lyrans are the advanced races that created the Elohim in the Avatar Matrix. But soon the Lyran Wars spread to the constellation of Orion, and it became a war between False King of Tyranny mind-sets and ideologies with ideology of the Service to Others which follow the Law of One. Essentially, this is the seed of the war over consciousnesses between the Christ and the Anti-Christ.

The main original Lyran-Elohim humanoid races were committed to the Law of One and Service to Others krystic ideology. The Lyran-Elohim were supervising the Sirians to host the seeding of 12 Strand DNA genetics on the 5D planet Tara. These groups involved in this seeding and DNA rehabilitation are called the Lyran-Siran High Councils.

The opposing groups were mixtures of Patriarchal Melchizedek humanoids and reptilian races that propagated Service to Self and anti-christ methods. These wars over Tyrannical control and Service to Self ideology originated in the constellations of Draco and Orion. The genetic hatred generated from the Orion Group digressed into the violent killing and destruction at the expense of others, which resulted in the propagation of the Victim-Victimizer Mind Control on earth.

Lisa Renee #ufo #moonbat #crackpot ascensionglossary.com

Some of the Indigos have chosen to experience being homosexual, or omnisexual. In some cases beyond a consciousness experience, this may have higher purposes for assisting in the healing of gender polarity reversals that have happened on planet earth, through such Alien Machinery known as the NRG. The NRG is designed to split apart gender fields and prevent energetic integration of gender polarities which is an intrinsic part of spiritual unification through polarity integration. Depending on many spiritual and genetic factors the being may decide that same sex or omniversal sexual attributes may assist in the reclaiming of spiritual aspects, other selves, healing Soul Fragmentation or building new consciousness memories, body templates for other life forms that are asexual or unable to reproduce their genetics. The omnisexual orientation may have an inner schematic that has been referred to as the Amalgamation Template, which is inner gender unification, which may or may not accompany same sex or omnisexual orientation.