
Michael Tsarion #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #elitist #dunning-kruger michaeltsarion.com

In The Irish Origins of Civilization I expose the true origins and agendas of the world’s most powerful secret societies. I also expose the origins and agendas of the religions that secret society elites have given birth to. Essentially our work informs the reader of certain vital occult facts that are for the most part unknown to members of secret societies. For generations the true origins and agendas of the Masonic Order, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians and Illuminati have been carefully guarded secrets:
Naturally, the power-elites and their minions (who apparently believe the world to be their personal play-pen), have a great deal to lose should the underclasses learn about the psychic and social control that operates all around them, hidden in plain sight. However, the task of revealers is made considerably more difficult due to "consensus trance" and knee-jerk fear that inhibits a colonized mind. Servants of Truth know from experience how few friends are won when and if they endeavor to expose the dirty big secrets of religion’s upper echelon.

Nevertheless, a Servant of Truth is not permanently daunted by controversy or resistance. He is aware that one is much more likely to cut themselves with a blunt knife than a sharp one. He is aware that the cost of ignorance is ultimately far greater than the price paid for knowledge. He knows that freedom is never free and that silence is most definitely consent. He comes to realize that on the great board game of life, if he fatally chooses not to occupy the white squares of knowledge, he will be manipulated by those who will.

Michael Tsarion #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #racist #wingnut michaeltsarion.com

The "WAR ON TERROR" is merely the latest move in the great game played out by the Atonist-Setian Establishment - the Royals and Jesuit-Masonic sorcerers - who expertly employ the "Ordo ab Chao" (Order from Chaos) methodology to further their very personal aspirations that date back to an old world order that you are not supposed to know about.
So let's get clear on a few things, and remain sane in the midst of growing worldwide insanity. Let's understand that the present day architects of control (those biological and ideological descendants of the Atonist pharaohs of old, and their less camera shy lieutenants) continue plying their vile imperialist trade from behind the visible governments and religions of the world.
Let's understand that the "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict is engineered from London and New York by elites with ancient origins. Age after age they concoct bogus conflicts to engender an ambiance of fear and paranoia, and to ensure that few of you ever become aware of humanity's true enemies.
Dynasties such as the Rothschilds may appear Jewish on the surface, but they are in fact Luciferians hiding behind the veil of religious Judaism. What is more, Evangelism is nothing more than a fanatical political ideology hiding behind the front of Christianity. The Evangelist preaches Masonic (Atonist) doctrines, but you buy into it because you want "Daddy" so badly, and because you have sold your sanity for security. You are safe in numbers, which is why membership in idiotic political parties attracts you. And the silly religions, they too offer you the sense of belonging you sorely desire. You are a "believer" on your way to the "promised land." Or so you think.