
Ray Comfort #fundie #pratt onthebox.us

“I have no faith. Please do not try and bring me down to that level."

So you have no one you trust. I guess you are insecure. You even sound paranoid. Paranoid people refuse to trust people or things. They live in fear. They have no faith in banks, the police, planes or elevators. Paranoid: "Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others."

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

“A whale was found with atavistic hind limbs of over 4 feet long. This makes perfect sense according to an evolutionary framework. Please explain how it makes any sense according to creationism.”

Do an Internet search for "photos of extra limbs" and you will find lambs with eight legs, people with four legs, three arms, etc. They have nothing to do with evolution and neither does a whale that has extra limbs.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

“If God knows everything, why didn't he prevent the attacks of 9/11? Or the Holocaust? Or slavery?” Cosmo Vern

So you think God should step in and stop murderers? If you answer “Yes,” we will need to figure out what you think He should do. Perhaps you believe He should have killed Hitler, and taken out the 18 terrorists before they committed their murders. But if He did do that, you and your kind would whine about God killing 18 innocent Muslims who were flying peacefully on a plane, and that He killed an innocent little Austrian painter who loved Charles Darwin.

To be consistent with evil prevention, God should have also killed the 200,000 murderers, who took innocent human lives in the United States during the 1990’s. Once again, He would have had to kill them before they committed their murders.

Then there’s the 58 million (plus) women who killed their babies in the womb. He should have killed them before they murdered their babies.

One other thing. If you think Jews and babies in the womb are non-human, you aren’t alone. Check out www.180Movie.com to see what the two have in common (over 4 million views).

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

“He who sees the eyes of a child beaten and molested while his God watched is a seriously sick person for believing in a God.”

It is thoughtless to jump to the conclusion that nothing created everything, simply because God doesn’t immediately punish evil. If He intervened and had Judgment Day today, where would you stand under the light of moral perfection? God is holding back from punishing child molesters, rapists, adulterers, fornicators, homosexuals, those who lust, hate, lie, steal and covet, because He is rich in mercy and willing to forgive all who repent and trust in Jesus.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

Perhaps you are considering having an abortion, with the thought that even though you know it’s wrong, God will forgive you.

That tells me something about you. You lack a virtue that isn’t highly prized nowadays. In fact it’s frowned upon by many. It’s what the Bible calls “the fear of the Lord,” and according to the Bible, it’s the “beginning of wisdom.” In other words, if you don’t fear God, you haven’t begun to be wise.

A person who doesn’t fear God will lie to you and steal from you. This is usually because he believes that God doesn’t mind the occasional lie and a little theft. But here’s where his worldview gets a little worrisome. A person who doesn’t fear God may even kill you—if he thinks he can get away with it. That’s why America had around 200,000 murders, in just one ten-year period (1990--2,000).

Of course, some of these murderers distanced themselves from the crime, by hiring a killer to do the dirty work for them. Can you imagine actually murdering another human being, or paying someone else to kill them? What could be worse? I will tell you. It is the hiring of a professional killer to take the life of a helpless child in the womb.

The lack of the fear of God traces itself back to something that is also rarely spoken of in today’s society. The Bible calls it “idolatry.” Idolatry is the making of a false god—either with our hands (in the form of an idol) or our minds. Idolaters say something like “I believe that God is like this—.” and then they shape a god to suit ourselves—a loving, kind, and merciful god who “understands” when a mother is planning on murdering her own child. But that god doesn’t exist. He is a figment of the human imagination.

The person who fears God will not steal, murder or lie. This is because he knows that “lying lips are an abomination to the Lord,” and that lying is so serious to God that the Bible warns “All liars will have their part in the lake of fire.” God killed a husband and wife (in the Book of Acts), because they told a lie, and He killed a man (in Genesis 38) because he did something sexual that God frowned upon.

The Bible warns that if you as much hate another person, you are a murderer (see 1 John 3:15). So how much more will God hold you responsible for an abortion?

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

To those who say that there’s no evidence that Jesus existed, I would ask what evidence is there that Shakespeare existed. I’m sure they would say that we have the words of Shakespeare as proof. If he didn’t write them, who did?

I would say the same of Jesus. Who said such incredibly wonderful words? Was it Matthew, Mark, Luke or John? Was it someone else? Whoever it was should be worshipped as God, because His words were divine and without precedent. The statement of the skeptic should rather be “I don’t believe THE EVIDENCE for the existence of Jesus.”

I would also ask the person who thinks that Jesus never existed what year it is. It’s been 2,000 years “since Christ” (AD). There’s a good clue. Of course, some don’t like to use “AD.” They prefer “CE,” which stands for “Common Era.” That’s how (in their minds) they get rid of Jesus.

Those of you who are CE folks should know that you are in agreement with another group who refuse to worship Jesus—the Jehovah’s Witnesses. They have been using CE in their literature since April, 1964.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

"I guess you consider it moral for a guy to get stoned to death for gathering sticks on the Sabbath." Kypros Christodoulides

If you're an atheist, it's not immoral in the slightest. Nothing is or can be immoral. It's just a matter of survival of the fittest. Your atheistic worldview believes that killing babies in the womb is okay because society says it is. So is adultery, pornography, blasphemy and homosexuality. There's no right or wrong—there’s only survival of the fittest--what mob-rule dictates.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

Richard Dawkins is an eloquent deceiver who talks with a forked tongue. He told Bill Moyers, “Evolution has been observed. It’s just that it hasn’t been observed while it’s happening.” He likens its “observation” to a murder case:

“It is rather like a detective coming on a murder after the scene. And you— the detective hasn’t actually seen the murder take place, of course. But what you do see is a massive clue—.Circumstantial evidence, but masses of circumstantial evidence. Huge quantities of circumstantial evidence.”

Like all believers in evolution, he has huge quantities, massive clues, and mountains of evidence. But like Professor Craig Stanford (who said the same thing in “Evolution vs God”), he can’t think of even one example of observable Darwinian evolution. If he had one he would have given it to debunk the movie. Instead, Dawkins tweeted five times about it behind the safety of closed doors. This is because his circumstantial evidence didn’t happen yesterday, or last week, or last month, last year, 100 years ago (when the evidence would be old and cold), or even 1,000 years ago. It supposedly happened 60 million years ago.

Nothing about Darwinian evolution (as Dawkins likes to call it) can be observed or tested. His convictions rest on nothing but blind faith. He is a charlatan, and you only have to watch www.evolutionVsGod.com to see that what he is selling is nothing but snake oil. Somehow, that’s appropriate for a deceiver with a forked tongue.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

An atheist wrote: “Stay calm people, sin doesn't exist. It’s just an imaginary disease invented so Christians could sell you the ‘cure."

Rape is sin. Murder is sin. Child molestation is sin. Be calm people, these things don’t exist. They’re all imaginary... There’s good reason God‘s Word calls the atheist a fool.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

“Christians can’t use ‘circular reasoning’ by trying to prove the Bible by quoting from the Bible!”

The “circular reasoning” argument is absurd. That’s like saying you can’t prove that the President lives in the White House by looking into the White House. It is looking into the White House that will provide the necessary proof. The fulfilled prophecies, the amazing consistency, and the many scientific statements of the Bible prove it to be the Word of God. They provide evidence that it is supernatural in origin.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

"Ray, if I may ask, what training/school/ qualifications do you possess that make you a valid authority on any subject matter relating to the process of evolution? I read your biography that is posted on multiple sites, and I could not identify any formal training in evolutionary biology. Just want to know why I should trust your word, over the word of someone like Richard Dawkins. I am just curious as to what your college degree is in, and what formal training you accomplished. Thanks." Joe Smith

I'm not an expert in evolutionary biology, and have never claimed to be. That's why I took a camera to the experts at UCLA and USC and asked them for evidence of Darwinian evolution. They couldn't give any. Not a peep. Watch them flounder:www.evolutionVsGod.com (over 1.7 million views).

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

Words of Comfort: Age of the Earth

“If you believe the earth is 6000 years old then you deny science.”

If you believe the earth is millions or billions of years old, you “believe” science. You don’t “know” the age of the earth. You “trust” what you’ve been told by fallible men and fallible dating processes. Your convictions rest entirely on faith.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

USA Today reported, October 18, 2013: "Scientists trying to unravel the origins of humanity mostly study scraps--some ancient teeth here, a damaged bone there. But now a lucky research team has uncovered the first complete skull of an early human adult from the distant past."

So there you have it believers in evolution. Up until now there has been little to nothing for your belief. Just a tooth or a damaged bone. But the discovery of a complete skull has believers believing that they have more. They tell us "It also provides support for the provocative idea that, 1.8 million years ago, only one kind of early human held sway, rather than the throng of different species listed in today's textbooks." In other words the textbooks in which you have so much faith are wrong. So the experts say...at the moment. If you would like to hear more evolutionary experts, watch www.evolutionVsGod.com

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

“Ray, may I ask a serious question. I'm an atheist who believes whole-heartedly that evolution is occurring all around us... But, is it possible that creationism lead to evolution-ism?” Matt Miller

Jesus said, "In the beginning God made them male and female." God made man in His image (as a moral creation) as male and female, reproducing after their own kind. These two things are observable and testable.

However, evolution believes that male and female in 1.4 different kinds of animals, birds, fish and insects just happened. It was unplanned, a coincidence, an accident, or just fate. That belief is intellectual suicide. BTW. Adaptation (not Darwinian evolution) is occurring all the time. See www.evolutionVsGod.com for details of the confusion of most believers in evolution.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

Chris Bogg "You guys are funny. Show me the evidence of this great flood. Oh, that's right you can't, you deluded fools."

More than 70% of the earth being cover by water is a good clue. Scientists don't know how the water got there.

Tony Miano #fundie onthebox.us

What Richard Dawkins and Dan Barker undoubtedly hope will be yet another frontal assault against religion, with Christianity in the center of their cross-hairs, will backfire on them. It will back-fire on them much the same way Richard Dawkins holding up Ray Comfort's "On the Origin of Species (special edition)" and "180" back-fired. In the end, their attempt to arrogantly rail against the before-mentioned Christian evangelism resources only served to increase interest in them.

Together, with the help of a few of their friends, Dawkins and Barker have initiated the Clergy Project.

In doing so, Dawkins, Barker, and their ilk have done Christianity a favor. And I would like to thank them for their efforts.

Before I continue, let me add that there is no sarcasm in my gratitude toward Dawkins and Barker. Again, I believe they have done Christianity a favor.

1 John 2:18-19 is helpful, here, to show us the service Dawkins and Barker have provided to the Church.
"Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us."

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

"The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible. ~ Mark Twain.” Cindy Martin

Mark Twain wasn't as atheist, but he hated Christianity and the God of the Bible because he was sexually immoral. He instead made up his own god to suit himself. Sexual sin almost always ends up in idolatry. Some embrace the foolishness of atheism to try and rid themselves of moral responsibility, but not Mark Twain. The man was brilliant and extremely witty.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

The false convert has never “crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Gal. 5:24). He, like the pig, must go back to wallowing in the mire. Pigs need to wallow in mire because they crave the slime to cool their flesh. So it is with the false convert. He never repented, so his flesh was not crucified with Christ. It is instead burning with unlawful desire. The heat of lust is too much for his sinful heart. He must go back to the filth.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

A criminal was once arrested for a hennas crime. Even though the evidence of his guilt was overwhelming, he wanted to defend himself rather than have faith in professionals. He decided to the following defense. 1. He had never seen the judge, so he concluded that he didn't exist. 2. The judge that he didn't believe existed, was immoral. 3. The law books were full of contradictions. 4. The criminal, despite his crimes and guilt, thought he was a good person.

How true are the words "He who defends himself in court has a fool for a client."

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

“I don't hate God. I just don't believe He exists.”

Such is the way of many cultures that if a son or daughter marries out of the faith or does something of which they strongly disagree, in the parent’s minds, they no longer exist. There is no greater contempt for a person than to so hate them they don’t exist in your mind.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

Words of Comfort: Today's Tips for Atheists

How to say “I don’t know,” and still sound intelligent:

1. What is the purpose of man’s existence?
“We don’t know at the moment, but science will find out one day.”

2. What was in the beginning?
“We don’t know at the moment, but science will find out one day.”

3. What happens after death?
“We don’t know at the moment, but science will find out one day.”

4. Why is there male and female in 1.4 million different kinds of animals, fish, birds, and insects?
“We don’t know at the moment, but science will find out one day.”

5. Why does every animal (except for a few snails) bring forth after its own kind?
“We don’t know at the moment, but science will find out one day.”

Note how Scriptures speaks to the blind ignorance of the ungodly, and how they have given themselves to a dulled conscience and sexual uncleanness:

“Their moral understanding is darkened and their reasoning is beclouded. [They are] alienated (estranged, self-banished) from the life of God [with no share in it; this is] because of the ignorance (the want of knowledge and perception, the willful blindness) that is deep-seated in them, due to their hardness of heart [to the insensitiveness of their moral nature]. In their spiritual apathy they have become callous and past feeling and reckless and have abandoned themselves [a prey] to unbridled sensuality, eager and greedy to indulge in every form of impurity [that their depraved desires may suggest and demand]” (Ephesians 4:18-19, Amplified Bible).

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

“Actually Ray, atheism is the default position one acquires through logic and reason. There is however a strong argument that belief systems of theists in the supernatural are insane, and frankly quite stupid. You may want to pray a little harder for that "wisdom" you were speaking about.” Meagain Nudderacont?

Your only default position with atheism is to believe that nothing created everything, or to redefine "nothing" as "something" (which is what Dawkins does). Such a belief-system is scientific lunacy at its best. Atheism is as far from "logic and reason" as the East is from the West. No one needs to pray for wisdom to see this. A child can figure it out by looking around him at the order and beauty of Nature. Our precedent for atheism is not only based on Psalm 14:1 but upon common sense.

Although it may be hard for you to see, my words are motivated only by love, and from a deep concern for where you spend eternity. The greatest favor anyone can ever do for an atheist is to pop his little bubble of delusion and bring him or her back to reality.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

"Ray, what proof and evidence do you have that Hell is good and just?" William Hartnell

I watched a sickening documentary recently about the cruelty of the Nazis. I also thought about another program I saw on TV years ago. It was about a man who kidnapped a small family and took them to his home in a remote location. He then murdered the young father and his little boy, buried them in his backyard, and chained the young woman to his bed where he kept her as a sex slave until he also murdered her. He video-taped her pleading for her life and asking why he would do such a thing to her precious family. He coldly answered, "Because I don't like you!"

Multiply Nazi Germany and other vicious evils like this one a million times over, and you have to ask the question, "If God is good, how can Hell NOT exist?"

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

“If Christianity worked, you would not be seeing the emergence of the age of reason... but you are witnessing its birth."

Atheism--the age of reason? It is leading us back into the dark ages--of talking primates, we are made of stardust, we are cousins of bananas, believing in walking whales, spinning through space on a planet made by nothing for no reason at all.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

“If there was an omnipotent Supreme Being, why would He use such a fallible device of communication--a book written by men, selected by men? Why not just communicate directly?”

God did communicate directly with human beings. When He gave the Ten Commandments, the nation of Israel was so fearful that they thought they would die. He has chosen to give us His written Word telling us how to find everlasting life, and we are to simply do what it says.

Ray Comfort #fundie onthebox.us

“Is there any amount of evidence that could be provided to you that would make you not believe in the God of the Bible?”

Questions like this one show that atheists have no idea that Christians don’t merely believe that God exists. They know God (John 17:3). It’s like asking a newly married man, “Is there any evidence that I can give that would make you not believe that your wife exists?”