
Raymond #fundie #homophobia politicaloutcast.com

Christians are being silenced all across America: in the political debate, the public square, the schools, the workplace, and even in the sanctuary of their own churches. Read these signs of the times:

? Christians threatened with prison for protesting the homosexual agenda.

? Employees of Fortune 500 companies fired for quoting the scriptures or forbidden to display family pictures in their office cubicles because they offend homosexual employees.

? Christian churches are being ordered by the government to perform lesbian marriages.

? “Anti-bullying” programs explicitly promote homosexuality in public schools.

? Municipal workers forbidden by the city to say “family values” because those words constitute a hate crime.

? Proposed federal laws supposedly aimed at preventing employment discrimination that would make discrimination against Christians the law of the land.

? Other “antidiscrimination” laws make Christian charities illegal.

? Secularist liberals in Congress seek to censor or bankrupt Christian broadcasters.

? The IRS “cracking down” on Christian pastors who oppose homosexual propaganda in schools, abortion on demand, or same-sex marriage.

? The real impact of same-sex marriage? Any criticism of homosexuality would be legally defined as bigotry. Christians who protest could lose their jobs, go to jail, or see their churches shut down by the government.

? The Christian haters are becoming an elite class of super citizens whose moral views are actively sponsored by the state while Christians are increasingly censored, penalized, and even prosecuted.

Michael Bethel #conspiracy #wingnut politicaloutcast.com

What good is it for the GOP to win back Washington when it is nothing more than a bunch of lying, backstabbing, liberals in disguise? We are talking about a group who has gone whoring after the approval of the gay community in order to attempt to get elected.
Frankly I will be very surprised if there is a 2014 election. The grand high mucky mucks in DC seem to be expecting something with a megalomaniac in the White House trying to convince the country that the Christians, Jews, and Tea Party are the cause of the countries woes (a trick Hitler used), massive efforts to get rid of guns from the general public, all the ammo buying capable of sustaining our gulf war for 100 years, the purging of the military of all of its top leadership who had any cajones and now they have control of the judicial appointments and keep bowing to the UN..... with the country and economy on the tipsy edge all it's going to take is one of them catching cold and sneezing..... no, I think something rather ominous is on the very near horizon.

Gary Calhoun #fundie politicaloutcast.com

Obama IS PROTECTING the TERROIRSTS!!! He IS giving them AID and COMFORT!!! That IS TREASON and Obama and others MUST be impeached, prosecuted and EXECUTED!!! EXECUTED!!! for their CRIMES!!!
Fast and Furious—Gun Control—Benghazi—IRS—1st Amendment—2nd Amendment—4th Amendment—??????

Fast and Furious (CRIMINALLY supplying GUNS by the DOJ, Eric Holder, to the DRUG CARTELS in Mexico which were and ARE being used to MURDER 100’s of people including an American Border Patrol Officer)

Gun Control (Gun Confiscation, Infringement of the 2nd Amendment)

Benghazi (MURDER of 4 Americans, Protection of the MURDERERS BY Obama and those in his administration, the Media and others)

IRS (CRIMINAL acts by the IRS DIRECTED by Obama and HIS administration)

AP (CRIMINAL acts by the DOJ and Eric Holder DIRECTED by Obama and HIS administration)

EPA (CRIMINAL acts by the EPA DIRECTED by Obama and those in his administration)


ALL Liberals, Progressives (which are Socialists, Marxists, COMMUNISTS) and ALL those in Obama's administration

MUST be Impeached, prosecuted and EXECUTED for TREASON, SEDITION, MURDER and MANY other CRIMES they have and ARE COMMITTING!!!

Obama and those in his administration along with those that have been covering up for him (giving Obama and the TRAITORS in his Administration AID and COMFORT) in the Senate, Congress and other Government Offices ARE giving AID and COMFORT to the ENEMY that ATTACK America (the Consulate in Benghazi) and MURDERED 4 Americans!!! They allowed them to carry out the attack without resistance and to get away without resistance. They ALSO prevented the FBI from doing an normal investigation of the MURDERS. That IS TREASON and MURDER!!!

They ALL MUST be impeached, prosecuted and EXECUTED for their CRIMES!!!!

The BEST day in America’s history will be the day Obama is DRAGGED out of the White House and HANGED by the NECK from a TREE on the White House Lawn!!!

[The post also demands the execution of Fox News, the NYT, George Soros, a judge, all the networks and Dan Rather. Twice.]

Doc Jimmy #fundie politicaloutcast.com

If there are any of you "atheists" out there reading this dialog, you may wish to consider this before your little pi$$-ant group dose too much to silence Christianity. "Vengeance is mine!" said the Lord - and he has some friends that will be glad to help him with the task and his friends have friends and their friends have friends and so on. Oh, I almost forgot; they know Mr. Colt, Mr. Marlin, Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson, as well as Mr. Remington and Mr. Winchester and others; so you see - maybe the Monument should be left alone to serve its Honored purpose. Your time would be better spent trying to figure out how to justify ALL of the Obama Family's vacations with Taxpayer money - Get It?...

Robert McDonald #fundie politicaloutcast.com

Chuck, the RNC lost the election by being Democrat light, just another way of saying RINO. I certainly did not vote for Obama, not because I liked Romney, who is a RINO and Democrat light, but simply because I was well aware of what Obama believes and does and where his loyalties are firmly placed. Obama is left wing big time with loyalties firmly rooted and planted in the muslim religion and looking for a one world government under sharia law, in other words, a caliphate. Our Declaration OF Independence and U.S. Constitution by which we are governed in the U.S. of A. cannot coexist with a caliphate, because they are diametrically opposing ideas. The United States of America was established as a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. A true democracy is MOB rule, as I'm sure you are aware. Chuck, those in the Tea Party saw that Mitt Romney was and still is a big government liberal. Romney and Obama are just varying shades of the same big government liberal party. The RNC shot themselves in the head when it was decided that Romney was the chosen candidate. There are very many people who are leaving the Republican party because it has become very, very liberal, promoting big government, and each election cycle it is becoming harder to see any difference between the D's and R's. From where I sit, the Tea Party appears to be the party to which we should migrate.

SSMcDonald #fundie politicaloutcast.com

This is not the first time I have sent you this same message; I suspect
maybe you people are deliberately being part of the problem:

People play into the hands of the evil one by using his politically
correct euphemisms.

In this instance, the use of the euphemism “gay” helps to spread his
unacceptable evil by glossing over what it really is; (homosexuality) making the
term "gay" acceptable in the thinking of the uneducated masses.

ALWAYS use the correct terminology: pervert,
homosexual, deviant, queer, or sodomite. CEASE using the evil one’s terminology,
“gay;” you only promote the spread of his agenda.

old_salty_dawg99 #fundie politicaloutcast.com

Given that LIBERALS hate America and will and do whatever they can to destroy America this comes as NO surprise. Obama who thinks he is better than GOD will do everything in his power to rid this World of the only thing keeping it alive. Obama is helping bring about the end of this world by his actions. He is not the Anti-Christ in the BIBLE but he is laying the foundation for his coming. The BIBLE says that CHRISTIANS will be hated and attacked more and more as the End nears, The BIBLE also tells about how many who claim to be Christians would leave the real and TRUE church in large amounts and seeing all the so called Christian Groups that are allowing open Homosexuals be not only part of but in positions of leadership is just another sign of the end being near. Obama and other so called leaders are being used to set up the beginning of the end of this World and the return of Christ for his Church and people. America became doomed the moment that the NINE IDIOTS on the supreme court allowed the separation of Church and State LIE to be made the law of the land. Those nine go the ruling from the old USSR's constitution which is a LIE since under Communism the church and state are the same thing.

Ed Shick #conspiracy politicaloutcast.com

He was picked to be our First Black President in 1992 at the 27th Communist convention in Moscow and Alice Palmer an Illinois state senator dropped out to allow Obama to be state senator and he became our First Black President with a Study in Moscow at Patrice Lumumba University who taught Marxists and Communists out of Africa as they hoped to get Africa Communist,, Muslim another thorn in Our Side!!

WellNowDear #racist politicaloutcast.com

[discussion about SNAP benefits]

Smme, I do wish the Eric Holders, J Jacksons and Al sharptons of this world would listen to you. I also wish the young black thugs killing white people would also listen to you. People with good intentions have been preaching the same old "song and dance" I'm hearing from you for decades. White people have been criticized and demeaned and told to be "color blind" and not even thing about race all the while the leaders of the black community were doing the exact opposite.

I'm sorry but, race does have something to do with it. It had something to do with it when blacks rioted because they didn't like the just verdict in the Zimmerman trial. Race had something to do with it when some black thugs murdered a white man then made the stupid claim they were just bored.

And last but by no means least RACE is the reason we have Barack H Obama in the White House. It is the only reason.

Race has everything to do with it.

polmutant #conspiracy politicaloutcast.com

the USA military is under control of muslim brotherhood. this is why the cabinet is full of muslim converts, recently china has slowed the lending, so now in an effort to keep washington going the adminstration is borrowing money from allah lands. for decades forgein aide was given to the allah lands to raise the quality of life, this money was instead leveraged against the American citizen {keep in mind America is not the only country experiencing this, spain, italy, france, greece, etc}

now that fiat system failing, the muslims are lending back the money given to them {th forgein aide}, under islam and sharia law interest is forbidden. the interest is bow your knee to allah and islam. congress, senate, scotus, jcos all eat at this trough, as this is the last stop before system failure. this is why USA gov has prepared for massive population crop. barry or barak will topple all former mass murders combined, just as he has surpassed all presidents national debt efforts combined. America is NO more, it should be termed aino {america in name only}

Mark Horne #fundie politicaloutcast.com

No, this is to spread among the population a complete disregard for biology and reproduction and family in order to push the power of the state against its rival social institution. With the state using civil rights law to effectively outlaw Christianity in society, this means it also functions as propaganda to help the state deal with its real rival social institution, the Christian Church. This is Transgender America because transgender serves to promote the naked power of politics and deny all limits.

This is why complaints about conservatives commenting on Bruce Jenner miss the point. We don’t have the option of ignoring him. He’s an ambassador for public policy. You may think you don’t care, but you don’t have that luxury. You will be made to care in Transgender America.

More to the point, your children will be made to care at the age when they are most vulnerable to sexual confusion. Even if you can prevent them from watching the show, their classmates and friends will tell them about it, and social media and youtube.com will spread it among them.

And by the way, do you think the media will ever report on any sexual or other scandals on these people? Ha! That only happens to the enemies of the regime.

This is a serious threat. You had better treat it that way.

Read more at http://politicaloutcast.com/2015/06/transgender-america-wants-your-kids-to-drink-the-kool-aid/#DdjoI4M3teMlYDHD.99

ELOHIMISGOD #fundie politicaloutcast.com

[Obama mentions Hitler and Stalin in a commencement address]

Listen, if you listen to this person that is our President you will see that he is just like those whom he mention in his speech, Amen!

I do hope that the American People will wake up and see that this man wants total control; and what ever he needs to say or do that what will happen as far as he is concerned, Amen!
This man is already talking about a third term as President, what are those in the POWER CHAIR going to do about that, Amen!

I still say that we cannot forget what was said to the President of Russia, and who are going to address that for our people, Amen!
We are sleeping and are refusing to wake up, Amen!

How long will we be FOOLS and allow these people to manipulate the country and it's people!
This President is keeping our mind of small things while he is working on his BIGGER AGENDA, Amen!


Mr. Evans

The Christian Solution #racist politicaloutcast.com

What the average black man is capable of learning is not subject to opinion. The book The Bell Curve documents that the central norm for black IQ is at 85, which is one. Standard Deviation below that of whites, which establish the overall norm of 100.

What Lincoln would have seen in the examples of black men showing knowledge on par with whites is the effect of inner breeding, where sometimes, white genes are expressed and predominate in some of the offspring. Obama, with a white mother, being a case in point, (or a case to not prove the point).

David Veselenak #fundie politicaloutcast.com

Signed, sealed and delivered, the death of the "Re-PUNK-licans" but much worse is the death of America and the birth of AMERIKA! We , as we desrve will be feeling the wrath of God! I personally believe that he is using this Muslim-Marxist jihadist to punish this nation, as he had done to Israel in the past, for turning away from Him! Button up your seat belts as the ride is about to get really horrific - this I guarantee you!

AppraisHer #racist politicaloutcast.com

Remington870, Wake up! Blacks don't see themselves as slaves, they know we're the slaves working on the federal government plantation. WE get up every morning and go to work to earn money to provide for welfare families, while they sit home and reap the benefits. WE are now the slaves, called racists if we dare question our government masters as to where the fruits of our labor are going.

The Christian Solution #fundie politicaloutcast.com

The context of the 1st Amendment was always in terms of different sects of Christianity. Had to have been, because all the States who wrote the Constitution all had some form of State CHRISTIAN religion built into their State Constitutions. They wanted to prohibit Congress from legislating their State CHRISTIAN religions away.

With the Constitution freshly signed, Thomas Jefferson went to the Jews and told them that they were included as well, when not a single State had allowances for the Jesus-denying Judaic religion to be recognized. This set an extremely bad precedence. Had the States known this would be the interpretation of the 1st, they would not have signed up for it.

What you are seeing with the 1st Amendment now, is liberal Jews stretching the meaning of the 1st to make it paramount and supreme, instead of docile and subservient as intended.

BTW, I would appreciated it greatly if you would stop being a Judas and stop spelling God the way that Jesus-denying unbelieving Jews spell it. Speak English in this country -- Speak Christian!

Chris Graham #fundie politicaloutcast.com

Giffords retired from Congress to devote the rest of her taxpayer-funded life to the cause of being used. That’s it: being used. And against the taxpayers, ironically. It seems as though she sits around her phone all day (paid for with her government checks), waiting for CNN or ABC to call her up with an urgent request that probably goes something like this:

“Gabby, it’s getting rough out there. People still want to keep their guns. Can we trot you out again for a jarring interview with us this evening, live? Yes, there will be food in your dressing room. Hm, what’s that? Oh, no, you don’t need to bring eye drops. We’ll have some onion oil here to rub under your eyes before we start rolling. You’ll tear up just fine. And you better, because that emotion is what’s going to make or break our plans.”

The latest spectacle occurred on Sunday, when Giffords was awarded the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award. In presenting the award, President Kennedy’s daughter Caroline said, “Gabrielle Giffords has turned a personal nightmare into a movement for political change.” (That’s called exploitation, Caroline.) “Her work is saving lives and sparing countless families from the pain and loss caused by gun violence.”

Uh-huh, okay, but where’s the courage come in? I’d like to quote President Obama here: “I dare you to try harder.” Because if that’s it, that’s pathetic. In what way is it courageous to turn oneself into a paid victim, as opposed to getting a real job, and stand before the public to recite an opinion that the near entirety of the news media agrees with and will happily, eagerly push for you? Where’s the bravery? Giffords’ only opposition is American citizens (who have so little power as it is that their, our, opposition may as well not even be there), and a handful of constitution-based organizations, each of whose messages amount to nothing more than “leave us alone.”

How courageous to voice opinions endorsed by the establishment and popular culture!

uncle teddy #fundie politicaloutcast.com

almost all of the tea party support Christianity, which is the basis for good sound gov't. these muslims in office now support allah and the anti-christ.people have got to research the candidates to see what is their stance on issues, before voting...

Gary DeMar #fundie politicaloutcast.com

Are there no longer any moral standards? If Senator Rob Portman’s son wants to live and love another man, no one’s stopping him. But to overthrow the moral order of the universe by having the State sanction homosexuality is a grave evil.

No one is denied love. I love all kinds of people, but it’s a moral evil to believe that love necessitates sexual relations. Once you go down this road, there’s no way to stop.

Would Senator Rob Portman throw his support behind pedophilia if he had learned that his son was a pedophile? There are young pedophiles out there. Would he support adultery if his son was an adulterer? Would he support slavery if he found out that one of his relatives was a slave owner and argued persuasively that owning slaves was legitimate? Would the Senator Rob Portman support his son if he learned that he was selling drugs to children? Would he support contract killing if he learned that his son was a contract killer for the mob?

Deborah G #conspiracy politicaloutcast.com

I was on our school board for 12 years want the real truth? MOST of the Principals are GAY yes Gay, they are liberals faggots and the teachers March to the step of their MArxist unions. They truely follow the Saul Alinsky model. We broke them for a while but they crept back in after the conservatives left the board. We had ZERO mention of anything gay or Muslim . We did nOT allow teachers to indoctrinate the kids because we actually monitored the classes. It tales vigilence and strong activism on the part of the conservatives to stop these people. They tried to sneak books into the school that were revisionist History. under the guies of extra reading. You have no idea until you put yourself into the frey how bad these Marxists are.

Adhemarde #fundie politicaloutcast.com

This is the pathetic state of "science" today. Evolution, other than intraspecies accommodation, is unproven, and far less likely than intelligent design from a purely logical point of view. Science is supposed to be empirical and unbiased, but evolution depends absolutely on atheistic materialism, and will not allow anything contrary to that view, because to do so would make their entire house of cards tumble to the floor. Global warming is the same. Many scientists call the elaborate schemes proposed by evolutionists a series of "evolutionary Just So Stories:, and they are indeed that. While the earth indeed warms and cools, we do not know over what timeframe that occurs, what causes it, whether man's activities have any effect, or even if that change would or would not be beneficial. Yet you cannot even speak to a university group, much less occupy a faculty position, unless you subscribe to the liberal dogma. Even if science were the answer to all our problems, the one-sided pseudo-religion that passes for it will get us nowhere in our search for truth.

Juan Motie #fundie politicaloutcast.com

Y'all illiberal make me laugh when you point out the moral failings of some republicans! You people feel you are so perfect, so morally superior, that you can call out republicans for their sins while completly ignoring the much larger sins of your own party of death members. But wait! You said "sin is a personal belief!" So by your own words you can't be judging what is sin in another person, yet you delight in doing so because you are an illiberal hypocrite creature who feels free to judge others, even while defending the most immoral acts of your political gods in your party of death!. Oh well, being blind to reality has always been a trait of the illiberal left.

newtonsage #racist politicaloutcast.com

[comment on article that African-Americans and women are especially badly hit by the economy]

Glad to hear it...blacks were voting for dear leader at 95% or so....these racists got what they wanted....a happy muslim socialist who has been stealing money from workers to give it to blacks. Blacks do it to themselves: drugs, crime, 75% illigitimacy rate, dropping out of school, not working, terrible racist attitudes...what part of their life do they take responsibility for? 0.00% It's always somebody else's fault.

This article quote is hilarious: All the racial grievance industry and the “vote with you lady parts” campaigns do is appeal to shallow thinking". Blacks are racist and low IQ, women voting with their vaginas are even lower IQ...both groups deserve everything they get and deserve every failure in their lives. As Rev. Wright, that deep racist thinker said, "The chickens have come home to roost".

Mark Horne #fundie politicaloutcast.com

[On white responsibility for slavery]

There are horrible evils going on in our day. The way Down syndrome infants are treated in the Western world before they are born is far worse than the way slaves were treated in the American South, as is proved by the fact that there are, in fact, descendents of those slaves still alive today. This blood-guilt game is what corrupt and decadent societies play to distract themselves from their real sins, and assure themselves that they are not moral cowards.

Appolloone #conspiracy politicaloutcast.com

I keep hearing things will get straightened out if we can get the Republicans elected in 2014. Not if we elect Democrats who claim to be Republicans it was George Bush who gave us the so-called Homeland Security George senior is also a NWO man and a member of the Satanic Scull and Bones. John Kennedy said he would never do the bidding of Rome and many believe that's why he was killed. I hear much talk about the Jews being responsible for the many bad things going on in this country but I never hear anything about Rome's meddling in our affairs, especially immigration reform and there is a reason for this, to understand their religion is one of the reasons why this is allowed, hint they aren't predominately of the Jewish religion.

antiliberalcryptonite #fundie politicaloutcast.com

[on the end of liberalism]

It will eventually happen of necessity. Liberalism is a blight. It was tried in Jamestown, Virginia in their first year of settlement. Many died. After that it was determined that if you did not work, you did not eat. Liberalism, socialism, marxism, they are all of the religion of the slow death spiral.