And, I and two other people (neither of whom are or were Christians) heard walking sounds on the roof of a house. They heard it for about 2 weeks, then called me to see what I thought it was. On the third day that I came over, I heard it as well - the walking sounds were just like a person on the roof walking, and would start and stop at random times, and at random places on the roof. The day after I first heard it, we were all in the living room, and it began again. This time, I bowed my head and prayed to God to get rid of what I was sure was a demon, and as I prayed, the walking sounds "sped up" (like someone walking barefoot from a cool sidewalk onto a hot asphalt pavement), and then stopped just to my left, near the hallway to the kitchen. I and one other person quickly opened the sliding door which was just behind me, to see what was on the roof, and to check to see if "it" (human or otherwise) had jumped into the backyard (which was what the sliding door opened to). Nothing was on the roof, and nothing was in the (small and fenced in) backyard. Since that prayer, the walking sounds never returned. Care to offer a reasonable "naturalistic" explanation which reconciles all these facts?