
Baptist Ben #fundie baptistben.wordpress.com

Sodomy is Against the Natural Order of Things

I’m not a bigot, but Sodomy is genuinely unnatural. Marriage has always been a man and a woman. The LORD created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

We need rehab centers for these Sodomites. They need to be taught that it is wrong or at least told not to constantly shove it in people’s faces. Sodomy offends some family-minded people.

Baptist Ben #fundie baptistben.wordpress.com


I’m a Christian living in Alabama. Like many Christians in the United States, I experience daily persecution. My beliefs are belittled, destroyed, and false religions are taught in there place.

Christianity is the one true religion. All other people go to hell.
Certain groups claim to be Christians but really aren’t (for example, Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, and Jehovah’s Witnesses). To be a true Christian, you have to be saved. Only Baptists are saved since we were established by Christ himself.
Atheists, Liberals, and Sodomites are a scourge on society and do nothing of any value
Young-earth creationism is absolutely true and should be taught as the fact it is in schools.
Abortion and Sodomy should be illegal
The Death Penalty should be used in every state for any crime involving killing.
Satanists should not be allowed to vote
Evolution, being a religion, should be kept out of our classrooms

Baptist Ben #fundie baptistben.wordpress.com

Why can’t you deluded people understand this? The modern dating methods are a huge load. If you fossilize something then date it, you’ll get a date going back millions of years. Tree ring dating is useless too. The tree couldn’t possibly know how long a year is.

There’s also the problem with moon dust. There’s not enough dust on the moon for the universe to be billions of years old.

The burden of proof is on the claimant. Right now, since all evidence points to a young Earth and absolutely no evidence points to Evilutionism, you’d better ante up or shut up, satanist fools.

You need to believe in Christ the LORD. If you don’t, when the Rapture comes, you’ll all be sorry.

BaptistBen #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #senpai_noticed_us baptistben.wordpress.com

A site called FSTDT (Fundies say the Darnedest Things) was recently brought to my attention. A bunch of homosexual pot-smoking liberals have decided to persecute Christians again. It’s only a matter of time before they persecute me.

I hate these liberals because they are calling us Christians “Fundies”, because we stand up for Christ the truth. If you are not with us, you suffer in hell forever. I am torn because part of me is genuinely concerned for these misguided souls, and part of me is thinking that they’ll get what they deserve.

We’re not going to let up. Watering down the truth with homosexual anti-Christian Liberal lies doesn’t make it false. If children learn the false religion of Evilutionism in their schools instead of the truth of Creation, they will burn. These Liberal Satanists are hoping this will happen.

Baptist Ben #fundie baptistben.wordpress.com

Has anyone heard of Linux? It’s a new kind of Windows, but it’s free. I’ve read up on it, and it seems that it’s created and supported by ultra-liberals. Its creator, Richard Stallman, is even a satanist.

They call themselves “hackers”, and their aim is to destroy every big company, everything that is conservative. I can’t tolerate this sort of persecution. The LORD himself was a conservative and he was nailed to a tree for it. It won’t be long before all of us are crucified too if Linux succeeds.

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