Cindy Pokezwinski #conspiracy
By Deseret News, Cindy Pokezwinski, For the Deseret News
As the mother of a teenage boy with autism, I wish to comment on the recent letters about a link between autism and childhood vaccinations.
It is true the Centers for Disease Control, American Medical Association, Augmentative and Alternative Communication and many scientists and doctors have stated that: 1) There is no link between autism and vaccinations (specifically the mumps, measles, rubella vaccine), 2) the mercury preservative has been removed and it is not the cause and 3) the author of the first study done to reach this conclusion has been sanctioned in the United Kingdom — and yet the incidence of autism continues to increase.
Perhaps it is time to listen to those of us that are in the trenches and living with autism every day.
My son was a typically developing toddler. He met his milestones (walking, talking, etc.) early or on time. He received his first MMR at 19 months of age. The change in him was almost immediate. He did not regress in development, but his social skills became extremely compromised. Noises became unbearable.