"Sometimes when foods are stored in aluminum foil, or when foil is used to cover a pan of food, the foil will develop holes and look like it is being eaten away. Two things may be the cause.
When aluminum and a dissimilar metal are in contact in the presence of moisture, an electrolytic reaction may occur causing a breakdown of the aluminum. To prevent this reaction, use plastic wrap to cover metal containers (silver, stainless steel, or iron used to store food. "
Now think, what happens when you put metal at microwave oven: the reaction is exploding.
What happens, when you spray aluminum and barium from planes and start the HAARP-device hmm?
Basically, it will make the metals melt into the moisture in the same principle, than aluminum melts into your food couse of the electricality caused same as in batteries.
But sometimes, that reaction fails and the metals come down as fallout of tiny, visible particles.
When you melt down the metals into one-atomic state, they are so tiny that you cannot see them or air quality monitors would notice them. Also, when they melt down: they are combined with the moisture, so they are not anymore metalparticles but are "coctail" of moisture and metals.
When the metals are in single-atomic form, they can be mixed even with water. This is the same thing that happens, when you make "silver water" with electrolysis.
The strange weather is mainly caused just by of this "climate engineering". There is no "climatechange", the climate was changed on purpose.
The whole "climatechange" started at the same time, when they started doing the "cloud seeding".
Here at Seinäjoki area are the most highest alzheimer/dementia stats in whole country. I often see dead squirrels lying on the streets and birds.
It is couse they spray the aluminum and barium here so much, that even the animals are dropping dead from the trees.
Here is a picture, when in like one day, the temperature changed almost 25 celsius degrees couple weeks ago.
The scientific world is amazed by the new phenonemom of the atmosphere.
The story does not only limit to climate change, but they also spray the H1N1 strains with these machines. The viruses act almost the same way as metal particles (making the clouds rain) and also, they get good money from the vaccines.
When I photographen those pictures, all of our commune got sick and we didnt have visited the city so the infection wouldnt come from anywhere else, but in the air.
The H1N1 lasted for couple weeks and it started just, when these particles came down of cell forms.
They farm the H1N1 in human blood but cannot purify the bloodcells of all. I suspect the red cross is involved, they use the blood donations to farm these H1N1 strains.
So there is somedays, human cells also. Viruses themselfs are so tiny, that they cannot be viewed from these pictures even with zoom and photoshop.
These are the first chemtrail experiments. Notice how the formation of the "cloud" is quite similar, than we see coming from out of these planes: like tentacles spreading over the sky.
It is couse the tiny particles are being dilluted by the wind. Water vapour does not act this way.
Notice at that time, the particles were much of bigger. Now, when they are nanosized: they become almost weightless. Also, when particle is very tiny it does not react to gravity anymore the same way, than bigger particles.
So instead of the particles "drop down" (they do that, but very slowly) they start to spread horizontally.
With HAARP, you can "push down" the particles and the atmospheric moisture. When you induce energy from the space (when the HAARP signal bounces back) it will physically also move the metallic particles more faster towards ground.
Also, when you make those resonance fields with HAARP, you can move the areas of air not only up and down, but sideways.